A lot of us no longer just watch traditional TV on our television sets. If you’ve seen this episode of House Hunters, maybe you’ll fire up your Amazon Fire Box, or Apple TV, or Roku to see what’s streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Hulu — all different services each with different interfaces and content listings. Samsung was hoping to introduce a remote control device that would put all of this info at your fingertips without having to switch around between apps, but that dream appears to have died. [More]
remote controls

DirecTV Says It's Filling Hotels With Germ-Resistant Remotes
Stuff in hotel rooms isn’t known for being particularly sanitary, and remote controls everywhere are known to be disgusting germ repositories, but DirecTV is out to stock hotel rooms with clean, anti-microbial remotes. [More]

Reach Logitech Executive Customer Service
If you have a Logitech customer service issue, warranty repair request or otherwise just need to kick your issue to the top because regular customer service isn’t doing it for you, here is a gal to contact: [More]

iPhone App Lets You Program Comcast DVRs From Afar
A new iPhone App, Comcast Mobile, gives Comcast customers the same ability as DirecTV users to program their DVRs on the go, High-Def Digest reports: [More]