While Etsy.com policy clearly states that the website is for people to sell handmade items, vintage goods, or crafting materials, the actual enforcement of those standards — especially in the “handmade” category — has always been a bit fuzzy, with the definition of “handmade” ranging from a hat you hand-knit out of yarn you spun yourself from the organic free-range alpacas on your farm to making a charm necklace by stringing together a bunch of charms you bought from China. While Etsy has shut down stores for reselling goods that are not handmade, the site drew the ire of the Internet over the weekend for featuring a shop that some feel blatantly violates the site’s policies. [More]

H&M Thinks Being "Inspired By" Artwork Is Different From "Copying It Exactly"
H&M, better known as the store you go to when you need a decent-looking shirt that you don’t expect to make it through the wash more than twice, is feeling some Internet heat today over allegations that it’s cashing in on the work of a Georgia-based artist without permission or payment. [More]

Regretsy Founder: SOPA Focuses On Things It Shouldn't
Like a number of people we’ve spoken to today about the impact of the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act, Regretsy.com’s Helen Killer (not her real name, in case you hadn’t guessed) tells Consumerist that she doesn’t oppose the idea of fighting online piracy. It’s just that SOPA goes too far and focuses on things it shouldn’t. [More]

PayPal Admits Regretsy "Donate Button" Fiasco Should Never Have Happened In The First Place
As any regular reader of Consumerist knows, PayPal is a company that’s not exactly known for admitting its many failings. But not only has it opted to release the Regretsy.com funds it had frozen because that site had used a “Donate” PayPal button without being a non-profit charity, it has also confessed that it should not have put that money on lock-down in the first place. [More]

PayPal Bows To Internet Scorn, Agrees To Release Regretsy's Funds
Anyone who has followed PayPal’s not-exactly-customer-friendly behavior over the years is likely in for a shock. After previously telling the owner of Regretsy.com that all the money she collected for her Secret Santa campaign had to be refunded because she used a “Donate” button — oh, and freezing her personal PayPal account just for fun — the online payment service has done a complete 180 and now says it will release Regretsy’s funds. [More]