Nobody wants stale old muffins and the coffee ground leavings at day’s end, but instead of just dumping that stuff in a landfill, Starbucks says it’s trying out a new recycling process that would turn said items into bio-plastics and laundry detergent. Wiping up those carbon footprints is always a good thing. [More]
reduce reuse recycle

Office Depot Packs 18 Flat Cardboard Objects In 18 Separate Boxes
Here at Consumerist, we have seen some seriously ridiculous example of shipping gone wrong. Battered boxes, extraneous packing material, you name it. But 18 flat cardboard containers shipped in 18 separate other boxes? Color us totally bewildered. [More]

New UPS Envelope Has 2nd Tape Strip So You Can Use It Twice
From the department of “of course!” UPS has introduced a new reusable express envelope. It’s got a second adhesive strip that lets the recipient reuse the same envelope on a new shipment. [More]