Second times the charm? That appears to be the mantra for Redbox. Two years after it officially declared Redbox Instant dead, the DVD rental business is getting back into the streaming service arena by testing a previously rumored new version of the product. [More]
redbox instant

Redbox Reportedly Looking Into Starting Streaming Service – Again
Two years after Redbox Instant was officially declared dead, the DVD rental business is poised to dip its toes into the video streaming service waters yet again. [More]

Redbox Instant Streaming Service Is Dead
Redbox Instant seemed like a great idea when it launched at the beginning of 2013. A partnership between Redbox and Verizon, the service planned to compete with Netflix while offering one thing that Netflix couldn’t: bonus instant DVD rentals from Redbox’s in-person kiosks. It seemed like the two services could coexist happily. They couldn’t. Redbox Instant will shut down tomorrow night, at 11:59 PM Pacific time. [More]

Is Netflix A Loser Or Winner With End Of Net Neutrality?
Yesterday’s ruling by a federal appeals court gives Internet service providers the ability to charge premium rates or additional fees to whichever content providers the ISPs want. Considering that Netflix is the single largest user of bandwidth in the U.S., many observers predict this ruling is bad news for the streaming video service, but some contend that Netflix may come out a winner in the long run. [More]

Verizon’s Redbox Instant Video Service Launching New App For Xbox 360
Entering the already busy arena of online streaming video services, Xbox 360 announced yesterday that it’s teaming up with Verizon to offer the company’s Redbox Instant Video exclusively on its gaming consoles. It’s always good to have options, and it seems companies are going to continue coming up with competitors for Netflix, Hulu and Amazon’s video services. And when companies compete, we win. Hurray! [More]