The federal government shutdown meant that our friends over at the Consumer Products Safety Commission weren’t diligently posting recalls to their website as usual, but that doesn’t mean that there were no dangerous products recalled since our last Roundup in September. Nope. [More]
recall roundup

September Food And Supplement Recall Roundup – 40 Garlic Cloves, 2 Undeclared Allergens
Our monthly Recall Roundups have grown so expansive that we’ve had to separate them into two separate roundups: one for consumer goods, and one for consumables. [More]

September Recall Roundup: The Training Wheels Are Off
In this month’s Recall Roundup, board books attack children, toy spiders grow in human stomachs, and motorcycle training wheels fall off mid-ride. [More]

August Food And Drug Recall Roundup – Ginger Lead Candies And Drug-Packed Supplements
Our monthly Recall Roundups have grown so expansive that we’ve had to separate them into two separate roundups: one for consumer goods, and one for consumables. [More]

July/August Recall Roundup: Lead Paint And Drop-Side Cribs Return
An electric smoker that smokes your house, delicious-looking non-edible polymer balls, a terrifying ladybug chair, and some lamps that are beautiful but not fireproof: all of these items are part of this month’s recall roundup. [More]

June Food And Drug Recall Roundup – Sulfites, Plastic Fragments, And Salmonella
Our monthly Recall Roundups have grown so expansive that we’ve had to separate them into two separate roundups: one for consumer goods, and one for consumables. In this edition of the Food and Drug roundup, dangers lurk everywhere, from coconut candy bars to sugary cereals. [More]

May Recall Roundup: Don’t Eat The Bunny Forks
In this month’s recall roundup, we bring you self-amputating dolly hands, attack lamps, flaming dehyrators, and bats that can score a home run all on their own. [More]

April Food And Drug Recall Roundup – Potato Chips With Salt And Vinegar And Metal Fragments
Our monthly Recall Roundups have grown so expansive that we’ve had to separate them into two separate roundups: one for consumer goods, and one for consumables. In this edition of the Food and Drug roundup, dangers lurk everywhere, from uneviscerated herring to “all-natural male enhancement supplements” that are pretty much just Viagra. Yes, again. [More]

March Recall Roundup: This Garlic Slicer Prefers Human Fingers
In this month’s Recall Roundup for consumer goods, crossbows fire at will, snorkeling masks buckle under pressure, and garlic slicers are out to slice your fingers instead. [More]

December Recall Roundup: Sparking Mugs And Plummeting Parents
Reading through this month’s recalls, you may have an interesting question. “Consumerist, why is a mug a fire hazard?” you’re probably asking. That’s a good question. It’s because it apparently didn’t occur to the mug designers that people might want to microwave it, and that silver-colored bucket handle is metallic enough to cause spectacular sparks when zapped. In this months’ recall roundup, you’ll find flaming fireplaces, non-edible magnets, and lead paint on kids’ clothing. [More]

August Recall Roundup – Bye Baby Strangulation Bunting
Welcome to the Recall Roundup! This month, we have lead-contaminated licorice, overly snappy snap bracelets, flaming dryers and dishwashers, and machetes endorsed by Bear Grylls that can turn around and cut you instead. [More]

July Recall Roundup – Twist’n Explode
In this month’s Recall Roundup: electronics short out and catch fire, little girls’ aqua shoes don’t grip as well as one might think, digital camera battery packs bite back, and someone thought that “Twist’n Sparkle” was a good product name. More like “Twist’n Explode.” [More]

June Recall Roundup: Mac ‘N’ Cheese ‘N’ Metal Shards
Pull up a stepstool, park your kid’s stroller, and let’s sit down with some Trader Joe’s chicken breasts and Walmart mac and cheese, with Sienna Bakery macademia nut cookies: it’s time for the Recall Roundup. Oh. All of those things have been recalled, really? [More]
Recall Roundup – Banzai Inflatable Slides, Kolkraft Bassinets, And More
There are some particularly scary recalls this week, including a massive pet food recall for dog foods manufactured by Diamond, some bassinets that might collapse and hurtle babies, and those Banzai water slides are finally being recalled after allegedly killing one person and paralyzing another. [More]

Recall Roundup: Beware Of The Dancing Teapot
In this edition of the Recall Roundup, a scary number of bicycle parts are recalled, grass cutters might cut humans, and we learn that a “dancing teapot” (pictured) is a lot less fun than the name makes it sound. Especially when it burns you. [More]

Recall Roundup: Fire In The Fish Tank Edition
While it makes sense, it’s a little strange at first glance to read that an aquarium heater is being recalled for a fire hazard. Isn’t it underwater? Not the parts that could potentially catch fire. But they’re not the only thing catching on fire: on with the recall roundup! [More]