
Insurance Covers Meds If Your Kid Is Clumsy, But If He's Autistic, He Owes $24,000

Insurance Covers Meds If Your Kid Is Clumsy, But If He's Autistic, He Owes $24,000

Nine-year old Nico owes $24,000. If he was just clumsy, he wouldn’t, but because he’s autistic, he’s got to cough it up, according to the insurance company—and the collections agency that keeps calling him every day. [More]

Sued By Chase For $7k, In Debt For $40k+, I Think I'll Declare Bankruptcy

Sued By Chase For $7k, In Debt For $40k+, I Think I'll Declare Bankruptcy

Justin’s friend who was being sued by Chase Bank for $7,500 has an update for us after he and his friend read our advice and your comments on his situation. Turns out he’s not just in debt for $7,500, but for over $40,000: [More]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Got a Verizon complaint wireless complaint that’s not getting anywhere? Live in the Northeast? Monica is your gal. [More]

Reader Pays Off $14,330 In 20 Months

Reader Pays Off $14,330 In 20 Months

Stuck in a $14,300 debt hole, reader Trixare4kids was dug herself out using tips she learned about on Consumerist. Let’s learn how she went on a personal finance rampage, learned to live frugally, did it all in 20 months, and how you can do it too! [More]

Sued By Chase Bank For $7500. Should I Declare Bankruptcy?

Sued By Chase Bank For $7500. Should I Declare Bankruptcy?

UPDATE: Sued By Chase For $7k, In Debt For $40k+, I Think I’ll Declare Bankruptcy [More]

Simulate Driving A Runaway Toyota

Simulate Driving A Runaway Toyota

This website professionally simulates what it’s like to drive a Toyota. Includes authentic screams of terror.

(Thanks to thespatulaoflove!)

Thrifty Charges You For Gas Even Though You Returned It Full

Thrifty Charges You For Gas Even Though You Returned It Full

Manny returned a rental car full of gas to Thrifty, yet they still ended up charging him $12.67 to top it off. Even after several days of escalating, they have yet to refund him his cash. [More]

JetBlue 800 Number Leads To Sex Line

JetBlue 800 Number Leads To Sex Line

An unfortunate typo on JetBlue’s website could lead some customers to “happy ending” instead of “happy jetting.” They spell out 1-800-JETBLUE as 538-2563, when it should be 538-2583. The former connects you a breathless recording that starts, [More]

Young, Dumb, Full Of Risk For ID Theft

Young, Dumb, Full Of Risk For ID Theft

A new study finds that the young and the feckless are the most at risk for identity theft. 18-24 year olds are more likely to be victimized because they don’t check their accounts frequently or thoroughly enough. You can beat the statistics, though, if 1 in 20 times you’re tempted to check your friend’s Facebook updates you instead scrutinize your account statements. [WashingtonPost] (Thanks to Timothy!) [More]

Reach FedEx Executive Customer Service

Reach FedEx Executive Customer Service

Fredrick Smith- CEO
Fax 901-818-7570

Carmine Echols – Executive Assistant to CEO

FedEx Corporation
942 South Shady Grove Rd.
Memphis, TN 38120

Amusing Complaint Gets Wild Wings To Fix Tiny Wings

Amusing Complaint Gets Wild Wings To Fix Tiny Wings

There are many kinds of complaint letters. I like the funny ones the best, like Tracy’s. Usually a nut for Wild Wings Lunch Buffet’s wings, she was sorely saddened to get a plate of “micro wings” foisted upon her. And instead of celery and dressing – tater tots! Tracy dashed off an amusing complaint letter, and they actually investigated it and will be fixing the wing deficiency! [More]

IRS Raids Car Wash To Collect On 4 Cents

IRS Raids Car Wash To Collect On 4 Cents

Two IRS spooks descended on Harv’s Metro Car Wash in midtown Sacramento to collect on a four-cent debt. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” the owner of Harv’s said. [More]

McDonald's Worker Robs Rival Restaurant While On

McDonald's Worker Robs Rival Restaurant While On Break

A McDonald’s worker has been charged with aggravated robbery and theft of property after he tried to heist a nearby restaurant, while on his smoke break from McDonald’s, while wearing his McDonald’s hat and red-and-white jacket. Crikey, these burger wars are getting out of hand!

Police: McDonalds worker robs Schlotsky’s while on break [FOX16] (Thanks to Shoan!)

Comcast's Sarcasm Detector Is Broken

Comcast's Sarcasm Detector Is Broken

As this chat transcript shows, Comcast does not have the necessary bandwidth to detect sarcastic remarks. [More]

Photos From Guy Banned By Coffeeshop

Photos From Guy Banned By Coffeeshop

So, the amateur street photographer who was banned from a coffeeshop for creeping people out? Here’s his Flickr stream. And here’s the picture of the girl smoking that got him banned in the first place: [More]

Video: How To Stop A Speeding Prius If You're F******

Video: How To Stop A Speeding Prius If You're F****** Stupid

This masked video troll is the zeitgeist. His 40-odd f-bomb-fueled demonstration of how to stop a Prius captures the mood among a swath of consumers that runaway Toyotas are just the fault of “stupid” drivers. Nevermind that the driver of an out-of-control Lexus did both the “power off” and “put it in neutral” tricks he shows, potentially pointing to an electronics system issue, and it didn’t help. “Get your head out of your ass, stop thinking about saving the planet, and figure out how to drive your car,” he admonishes. Very NSFW, cursing. [More]

Update: Armed Guards Fail To Squash US Air 1922 Passenger Revolt

Update: Armed Guards Fail To Squash US Air 1922 Passenger Revolt

Armed guards tried to quell an uprising yesterday among the passengers of US Airways flight 1922, who have been stuck in Costa Rica since their flight got canceled Saturday afternoon. The guards failed. [More]

Grandpa Punched Kids In Head At Walmart For "Thrill"

Grandpa Punched Kids In Head At Walmart For "Thrill"

A $150,000 bond has been set for the 68-year old man accused of punching kids in the back of the head at Walmart while their parents weren’t looking. [More]