
Cops Can Search Your Cellphone Without Warrant, Cali Supreme Court Rules

Cops Can Search Your Cellphone Without Warrant, Cali Supreme Court Rules

Cops don’t need a warrant to go through your text messages when you’ve been arrested, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday. [More]

Repo Man Cometh For Furnace

Repo Man Cometh For Furnace

Repossessing a car or mobile home is one thing, but a furnace? [More]

Delta Auctions Off Flight Bumps To Lowest Bidders

Delta Auctions Off Flight Bumps To Lowest Bidders

A reader over at Marginal Revolution spotted Delta’s new system where when you check in at the kiosk it asks you to bid on what it would cost to get you to volunteer your seat. Below the entry box it says, “Delta accepts lower bids first.” Genius! [More]

Math Problems: How Much Percent Off Is This?

Math Problems: How Much Percent Off Is This?

Reader Nathan spotted these confusing sale signs at a Belk and can’t figure out how much off he’s supposed to get. Can you? [More]

iPhone Alarm Bug Makes Couple Miss Fertility Treatment

iPhone Alarm Bug Makes Couple Miss Fertility Treatment

On Jan 1 and 2 of 2011, tons of people overslept, not due to hangovers, but because of an iPhone glitch that made their alarms go off. For most people this was just an inconvenience, but for one couple it was disastrous. They missed a fertility treatment deadline. [More]

Alaska Airlines Delivers Your Bags In 20 Minutes Or You Get 2,000 Free Miles

Alaska Airlines Delivers Your Bags In 20 Minutes Or You Get 2,000 Free Miles

Reader Andrew is happy to report that taking advantage of Alaska Airline’s guarantee that you’ll have your bags within 20 minutes of landing is pretty painless. His bags didn’t show up after 35 minutes and when he called in they gave him a choice of two different “we’re sorry” options. [More]

Hotel Washes Every Coin They Get As Courtesy For Guests

Hotel Washes Every Coin They Get As Courtesy For Guests

As a favor to guests, one hotel washes every coin it receives, just like it’s done since 1938. [More]

Police Reports Contradict ADT Rep's Warnings Of Local Break-Ins

Police Reports Contradict ADT Rep's Warnings Of Local Break-Ins

Sarah says that last night an ADT sales rep came to her door trying to sell her an alarm system. He said that there were two break-ins “last week” and that whenever these occur ADT sends out a rep to “give away” two “free” alarm systems. [More]

Reader Crafts Effective Complaint Letter, Scores 50% Refund From CVS

Reader Crafts Effective Complaint Letter, Scores 50% Refund From CVS

Reader CMM was able to score a partial refund from CVS after they flubbed up her gift photobook order. Instead of bound and ready books, they handed her husband a pile of loose pages and covers and said “go to town.” Some of the pages had minor ink spots on them too. [More]

Time Warner CSR Agrees Their "Soul Being Sucked Away"

Time Warner CSR Agrees Their "Soul Being Sucked Away"

Rachel shares an interesting transcript of a chat she had with Time Warner. She was complaining about how Time Warner automatically raises its rates every year, and, in the end, got the CSR to confirm that they felt their soul was “being sucked away” from having to explain this policy so many times. [More]

The Tush Turner Is Perhaps The Stupidest Infomercial Product Ever

The Tush Turner Is Perhaps The Stupidest Infomercial Product Ever

You need no better sign that The Empire is on the wane then the “Tush Turner,” a swiveling seat cushion that makes it easier to get in and out of your car without all that “contorting.” Just sit your ass down and spin in and out. And maybe with the few extra seconds it gives you you’ll be able to escape the Visigoths hunting you down as fuel for their war machines. [More]

68-Year Old Punches Teen For Not Turning Off iPhone On Flight

68-Year Old Punches Teen For Not Turning Off iPhone On Flight

A 68-year old man was arrested for punching a teenager after the kid wouldn’t turn off his iPhone during the final approach for landing. [More]

Smuggler Hid Cocaine Inside Easter Eggs

Smuggler Hid Cocaine Inside Easter Eggs

You know this “Easter Creep” thing is out of control when a coke smuggler thinks Christmas time is the perfect time to start hiding his precious white powder inside Easter Eggs. [More]

BofA Tries To Foreclose On Couple That Never Missed A Payment

BofA Tries To Foreclose On Couple That Never Missed A Payment

Bank of America told this couple that their house would go into foreclosure on Christmas Eve, which came as something of an anti-Christmas Miracle to them considering they had never missed a single mortgage payment. [More]

Town Spends $17,000 To Defend $5 Fee It Charged Resident, Loses

Town Spends $17,000 To Defend $5 Fee It Charged Resident, Loses

The town of Bridgewater, NJ, just spent $17,000 in legal costs to defend its right to charge a guy $5 for a CD recording of a town council meeting. The man had argued that he should only be required to pay for the actual cost of the CD. The case went to court and the town ended up losing. The kicker? They also had to pay him back a $4.04 refund for the overage. [More]

Man Sues Restaurant For Not Stopping Him From Eating An Entire Artichoke

Man Sues Restaurant For Not Stopping Him From Eating An Entire Artichoke

A doctor has sued the Houston’s restaurant in Miami after he ate a complete artichoke that he ordered, including the spiny and sharp exterior leaves. He subsequently suffered “severe abdominal pain and discomfort,” and a “exploratory laparotomy” showed that the artichoke leaves were jammed in his “small bowel.” His lawsuit claims that he had “never seen nor heard of previously” an artichoke and that it was the restaurant’s fault for not teaching him how to eat it. [More]

Lots Of "[BofAExec Name] Sucks" Sites Getting Bought Up

Lots Of "[BofAExec Name] Sucks" Sites Getting Bought Up

Over at Domain Name Wire they noticed that starting on December 17th, someone has been going around buying up all the various permutations of sites. So sorry folks, you won’t be able to start your new,, or blog. You were going to use it host your lookbook of clever Lawrence, KS fashions, right? [More]

Doritos: Sorry For Only 3 Chips In Your Bag, Here's Some Free Coupons

Doritos: Sorry For Only 3 Chips In Your Bag, Here's Some Free Coupons

An important update to yesterday’s late-breaking story about a man who opened up his bag of Doritos to find there where only three chips inside. As predicted, after reader D contacted the maker, Frito-Lay, they sent him some free coupons. [More]