

If you keep a gun in the house, don’t use the Stack-On P-B 201 Pistol Box sold by Walmart to keep it safe and out of sight. A local news investigation found the pistol safe can be opened with a normal filing cabinet key. [WMCTV]


A Nextel customer service rep says that earlier this week around 25,000 customers erroneously received a text message saying they would be billed $5.3 million in overages. That’s each, as in $5.3 million per person. “Suffice it to say it was a busy day at the call center,” says our insider. Anyone get one of these messages and can send in a picture of it?

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to the The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.

Someone Stole Your Tmobile Phone Now You Have To Pay $1500

Someone Stole Your Tmobile Phone Now You Have To Pay $1500

Tricia asks:

Tmobile is not budging regarding $1500 dollars worth of charges on a SIM card that was stolen from my lost phone and put into another device. Its so obvious the phone was stolen, my bill is typically $40 a month, the person took someone out of my “Fave 5” and put in someone named Mostofo. I called Mostofo who said he wants to help “find the criminal” but Tmobile says they don’t really care about the fact that it was stolen, that I owe the total amount regardless. Super annoying! Anything I can do? I get that Tmobile says, until I officially report it stolen I’m responsible for the charges, I just think that’s ridiculous when its SO obvious the charges aren’t mine.

SONY Doesn't Repair Your Laptop For 3 Months, Accuses You Of Warranty Fraud

SONY Doesn't Repair Your Laptop For 3 Months, Accuses You Of Warranty Fraud

UPDATE: We Post, SONY Replaces Long-Languishing Laptop

How To Design A Monster Vs Coat Hanger Experiment?

How To Design A Monster Vs Coat Hanger Experiment?

One of our readers is an enterprising psych major and he would really like to recreate the Monster Cable vs Coat Hanger test with laboratory-grade methodology, controls, and statistical measures. However, Adam needs your help. What is the minimum equipment he should buy, both audio equipment and coat-hanger-wise?

EECB Scores Direct Hit On United Health Care

EECB Scores Direct Hit On United Health Care

Alexis, who had been fighting for 10.5 months to get United Health Care to pay for her checkup that should have been covered, finally found success after launching an EECB (executive email carpet bomb) with information that we provided her.

A Consumer Advocate named April from the Executive Office left me a message. She said my claim had been “reprocessed appropriately” and that a check was sent to my doctor’s office, OB-GYN Associates of Pittsburgh, yesterday with the remaining balance. She said that the doctor I saw was indeed a UHC contracted doctor (no kidding!), and that my only responsibility was the $10 co-pay that I paid at the time of the visit.

Call The CEO Of Verizon

Call The CEO Of Verizon

if you have a Verizon landline issue that has been escalated to management but you’re still not getting a satisfactory answer, you may want to try kicking it up to the CEO or his close cadre of immediate minions. Maybe you can ask them where your f***ing “Free LCD TV” is.

HSBC Refunds $35 Fee, Not To Correct Their Mistake, But Because You Have A Deadly Brain Tumor

HSBC Refunds $35 Fee, Not To Correct Their Mistake, But Because You Have A Deadly Brain Tumor

I made an electronic payment online with my one of my bank’s check card. Turns out this was the wrong one, and I immediately canceled the payment (as there’s a very easy to find and large button allowing you to do this immediately as well), and resubmitted it through the correct bank. So, to sum up, the payment was made, about two weeks before it was due. I figured all was cool and I was being a good customer for paying more than the minimum balance, way ahead of the due date, online, so there wouldn’t be any “problems” with a check or the postal service. Then I look on my statement and I’ve been charged a $35 Returned Payment Fee.

Patients Blind When Health Care Comparison Shopping

“The patient really has no way to act as an informed consumer,” Dr. Smith said. “You can’t call up a facility and say, ‘By the way, is my doctor any good?’ or, ‘Tell me who the best one is.’ “—A doctor responding to a study that found some doctors were 10 times better than other doctors at discovering precancerous lesions through colonoscopy. [NYT]

Staples Rebuts "Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair" Post

Staples Rebuts "Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair" Post

Staples saw our recent post, “Staples Tries To Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair,” and Bob MacDonald, Staples VP of Technology Services, sent in the following rebuttal:

On behalf of Staples, and our entire team of EasyTechs, I wanted to respond to the recent post regarding an allegation that we attempted to charge a senior citizen for unnecessary computer repairs. We have spoken to those involved in this episode, including the store manager and the technician. (We were unable to contact the author of the post due to missing contact information, and our calls to the customer have not been returned.) The facts are these:

Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Should you have just cause to take your complaint with FedEx to the highest levels of the company, load these email addresses into your Executive Email Carpet Bomb (EECB (Confused? Here’s How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb)).

Capital One Invents New Way To Rip You Off For $500

Capital One Invents New Way To Rip You Off For $500

Capital One accidentally sent a customer with a closed Capital One credit card a check for $500. She cashed the check and now CapO wants its money back… so badly that they reopened the closed credit card just so it could bill her. They also added a $1.42 finance charge. When asked by The Oregonian, a consumer advocate and official with the Office Of The Comptroller of Currency both said they had never heard of a company reopening a closed credit card for this reason before. What a brilliant new scam, here’s a check for $500 dummty dum dum two months pass oh wait guess what that was actually a loan, pay up, bitch. In all seriousness, don’t cash unexpected checks, you’re just asking for trouble.

ING Decides To Care You Never Got Your $1400

ING Decides To Care You Never Got Your $1400

Last week we told you about Rob who never got a $1400 wire transfer when he was a Netbank customer, and then after ING acquired the bank when it failed, their customer service never fixed the transfer despite 8-months of calls assurances. We gave Rob the phone number for ING executive customer service (302-255-3005) and now he happily reports:

Within a few hours of my initial contact, Laura got back to me via phone to let me know exactly what happened. It appears that the initial wire transfer paperwork was filled out incorrectly by the sender and the money hadn’t ever made it to Netbank or Ing Direct but only got to American Express Bank (who as acting as an intermediary in this transfer.) I contacted American Express Bank and in a few minutes they were able to confirm that the wire was incorrectly setup and the funds had been returned to the sending back on August 10th…

Man Blames Wife-Beating On High Gas Prices

Man Blames Wife-Beating On High Gas Prices

Economically tight times can increase the pressure on an already tense personal relationship, as in this absolutely despicable case of domestic abuse: WJXT reports that a 77-year-old man beat up his 74-year-old wife, “because he was upset about the high cost of gas for driving her to and from dialysis treatments.” Signs of the times on the road to hell.

Comfort Suite's Shady "Energy Surcharge" Costs You $144

Comfort Suite's Shady "Energy Surcharge" Costs You $144

Reader ds143 wrote in with a reminder to ask hotels about added fees before reserving a room. He booked a six-night stay at the Comfort Suites in the Bahamas for his family of four without realizing that the hotel levied a $6 per person, per night “energy surcharge.” The financial sucker punch set ds143 back $144.

Dear HP: It Has Been Three Months Since I Last Saw My Laptop

Dear HP: It Has Been Three Months Since I Last Saw My Laptop

For three months, HP has promised to return reader N’s laptop within the next ten days. N sent his HP Pavillion for repairs in December after his screen became a blurry mess incapable of displaying anything as basic as say, oh, a tracking page. HP insists that they fixed the laptop, but they won’t ship it back to N. Conveniently, the one-year warranty expired last month.

Staples Tries To Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair

Staples Tries To Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair

UPDATE: Staples Rebuts “Charge Senior Citizen $390 For Basic Computer Repair” Post