Cup noodles have traditionally been a cheap, filling way to suddenly get a huge amount of salt in your system. Right? Do they actually do anything else? As Americans look for snack foods that are at least nominally healthier and that have fewer additives, even the makers of cup noodles are cutting back on sodium and artificial flavors. [More]

After 99 Weeks Of Unemployment, Still No Job
The NYT has a profile of a woman who has passed the 99 weeks of unemployment benefits and is now essentially homeless, living in a motel paid for with charity from friends. In 2008 she had a good job and was going to business school. Now she’s on food stamps and making ramen in a motel ice bucket. [More]

Mystery Of Hidden Space At Cup Noodles Bottom Revealed
Last month, we wondered about the secret space hidden at the bottom of every cup noodles. It turns out it does not house a flavor gremlin or invisible unicorn eggs. Instead, there is a very good science reason for it, which we would have known had we reviewed the exhibition guide to the Instant Ramen museum in Osaka, Japan. [More]

Secret Void At Bottom Of Every Cup Noodles
Renowned consumer product investigator Rob Cockerham has made another startling discovery: there is a hidden crawlspace underneath the noodles in Cup Noodles. [More]

US Airways Will Serve You A Cup Of Ramen For Only $3
US Airways recently debuted a new snack menu for their coach passengers, and it’s posted online.. It’s not that it’s bad, or even unreasonable. It just makes the snacks at the airport gift shop look like a discount grocery by comparison.

As Food Costs Rise, People Are Buying More Ramen and…Spam?
The Associated Press is saying that rising food costs are driving people to buy more Spam, despite the fact that the Spam itself is more expensive. Are you really doing this?