A few years back we heard the tale of a California farmer who was raisin’ a stink over the government’s insistence that he pay 1.2 million pounds of raisins into the national reserve without paying him for them. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States sided with him, saying the Fifth Amendment requires the government to pay just compensation when it takes personal property (movable property), just as when it takes real property (things like land). [More]
raisin reserve

Farmer Sticking It To The Man By Refusing To Pay 1.2M Pounds Of Raisins Into National Reserve
There are some stories out there in the news that are just absolutely begging for puns. To wit: A raisin farmer in California is battling the government in a case of sour grapes, raisin’ a stink over the feds’ demands that he pay at least $650,000 in unpaid fines and hand over 1.2 million pounds of unpaid raisins into the national reserve. We heard it through the grapevine. [More]