The last few years have not been kind to Subway. Jared Fogle, the longtime face of the company is behind bars. Its founder and president Fred DeLuca passed away in 2015, and after years of substantial growth, the total number of Subway franchises recently began to shrink, as did sales. What’s the solution? Technology! [More]
quick serve

New Chipotle Food Safety Procedures Include Shutting Down Restaurant If Anyone Barfs
Yesterday, Chipotle restaurants didn’t open until 3 PM so 50,000 or so restaurant employees could sit in hotel conference rooms or movie theaters to watch a live-streamed company-wide meeting about food safety. The future of the chain is at stake, and their task is to prove to the public that they’re not trying to make us all sick. [More]

Would You Opt Out Of Tipping While An Employee Watches You?
Reader Bill was getting some sandwiches and paying with a credit card when he noticed something new and unusual on the payment machine. It prompted him to leave a tip between ten and twenty percent, to choose his own tip amount, or to decline tipping entirely. This makes sense in a country where most of us don’t carry much cash anymore, but there’s something about it that Bill doesn’t like. [More]

Garlic Bread Is Coming, And Every Subway Will Smell Like Olive Garden
In a move that at least one commentator has compared to the novelty factor of Doritos Locos tacos, next week Subway will introduce a special limited-time bread offering: garlic bread. Depending on your opinion of the smell of garlic, this will make future visits to Subway either amazing or unbearable. [More]

What It’s Like To Work At A Subway Franchise, Get Blamed For Everything Customers Don’t Like
Reader M. is currently (under-) employed at a Subway franchise. M. has a college degree, and is bright enough to be able to see the economic indicators that show they’ll still be working at Subway for a while yet. Fortunately, we like to give employees a soapbox to educate the public about the things we might not understand about their jobs. That way, Consumerist readers are less likely to act like entitled jerks, treat front-line employees better, and the world is a happier place. In theory. [More]

McDonald's Remains America's Favorite Fast Food Restaurant
Consumer research company Experian Simmons (yes, owned by Experian), has released a new study of fast food industry covering the past 5 years, and it looks like we still love going to McDonald’s more than any other fast food restaurant.