As we mentioned earlier today, Sony CEO Kaz Hirai kicked off CES by announcing PlayStation Now, a cloud-based service that will allow PlayStation 4 users — and users of other select devices — to play PS3 and PS2 games that currently don’t run on the PS4. This afternoon, we were able to get our hands on the service and find out some more details about how it works. [More]

Sony Wants You Not To Need A PlayStation To Play Their PlayStation Games
The PlayStation 4 launched in November and so far has sold and performed well for Sony. One thing it doesn’t have, though, is backwards compatibility. The PS3 was out for seven years before that, and the PlayStation 2 before it sold over 150 million units worldwide. That’s a lot of old video games that don’t run on your shiny new system. [More]

Should I Test My Kid’s PS4 Before Gift-Wrapping It? Yes.
Reader J. was upset to read our post about a reader whose new PlayStation 4 was dead on arrival, and to learn that he wasn’t the only one. She ordered one from Amazon for her kid for Christmas, and had planned to leave it sealed up and hidden away until December 25th. “What if it’s one of the duds?” she wrote. “Should I open it and test it now? I really didn’t want to give him an opened box…” [More]

Digital Delivery Allows Companies To Ship Broken Products Without Refunds Or Returns
Not so long ago, if you bought a book with missing pages — or a DVD that skipped, or a CD or video game that wouldn’t play — you took it back to the store and got an exchange or a refund because obviously the manufacturer did not intend to provide you with an incomplete or broken product. The relatively new era of digital media delivery has improved upon this by allowing content providers to patch files and fix errors, but it’s also allowing companies to knowingly release inferior and/or broken products, often without giving the consumer any way to seek redress. [More]

When Tornado Takes Your House But Leaves Your PS4, You’ve Just Gotta Smile
It was a horrible weekend for many people in parts of the Midwest who are the victims of devastating tornadoes that destroyed homes and property… but not this guy’s spankin’ new PS4. [More]

At Target, A “Free” Gift Card For Reserving A PS4 Actually Costs $25, Can’t Be Used For PS4
Everybody wants a piece of the valuable pie that is the new PS4, so how do retailers distinguish themselves from each other and make sure you buy the console from them instead of another store? For one, Target offered what at first seemed like a pretty good deal: Reserve a PS4 from Target and pay $25 to do so, and receive a $25 gift card when you pick up the system. Sounds great, right? Maybe not so much, as we’re hearing from some very dissatisfied readers. [More]

My PS4 Just Arrived And I’m So Freakin’ Excited — Oh, Wait, It’s Broken… What Now?
All those months of waiting like a kid on Christmas, expecting a shiny new, preordered PS4 to show up on your doorstep, ready to play. But for some of our readers, those hopes were essentially dashed on Friday when the PS4 did show up — but it was dead on arrival. We’ve heard from a few of you stuck with these $400 pieces of plastic, and it sounds like you could be in for a frustrating wait. [More]

Yeah, People Are Doing That Thing Where They Pay Too Much For New Gaming Consoles On Ebay
As the sun does rise in the east and set in the west, people who didn’t pre-order are destined to panic and consider paying too much on eBay for the newest video game console. This time it’s the Sony PS4 whose disappearance from retailers both online and bricks-and-mortar has resulted in a slew of overpriced consoles popping up on eBay. [More]

Dallas Cowboys’ Dez Bryant Plays Santa, Buys PS4s For Local Walmart Shoppers
Last night, folks around the country lined up to get their hands on the new Sony PS4 gaming console when it was released at midnight. Among them was Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant, who got into the holiday spirit a bit early by footing the bill for several other shoppers’ consoles. [More]

Home Depot Denies Rumor Of PlayStation 4 Kiosks
Considering that gaming consoles do a lot more than just let you play games and that bricks and mortar retailers are increasingly looking to rent out floorspace to cut costs and maybe improve foot traffic, it doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility that Sony would be setting up PlayStation 4 demo kiosks in Home Depot. But it just isn’t so, says the home improvement chain. [More]

Foxconn Admits To Working Unpaid Student Interns Overtime To Push Out PS4
Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics manufacturing firm, is at the center of controversy once again after admitting to pushing student interns to work overtime in advance of the release of the upcoming Sony PlayStation 4 gaming console. [More]

Microsoft Decides Maybe It Doesn’t Want To Ruin Xbox One, Removes Restrictions
Well that was fast. Not even two weeks after Sony announced its upcoming PS4 gaming console wouldn’t have the insane restrictions on used and resold games that Microsoft had instituted for its new Xbox One device, reports say the boys from Redmond have decided that maybe some of their policies weren’t exactly the greatest ideas. [More]

Microsoft Exec: If You Don’t Want To Always Be Online, Keep Playing Xbox 360
Following Sony’s crowd-pleasing announcement that its upcoming PS4 gaming console will not require the user to constantly be online, one might have hoped that Microsoft would ease up on that continually connected model for its Xbox One device. But no, the company is sticking to its guns, basically telling anyone concerned about this issue to kiss off. [More]

As Expected, Sony Backtracks A Bit On Restriction-Free Games For PS4
Last night, Sony delivered a mammoth kick to Microsoft’s rear-end when it announced that the upcoming PS4 would not put any restrictions on how users share games for the new console. But this is obviously too good to be true 100% of the time, and now Sony is having to clarify what it meant. [More]

Take That Microsoft: PS4 Will Not Restrict Used Games, Won’t Require Internet Connection, Also $100 Less Than Xbox One
While Microsoft got all the press on Monday morning for announcing the availability of its upcoming Xbox One console, Sony finished the day at E3 with a huge middle-finger to Microsoft, confirming it won’t stop you from selling, buying or giving away your used games (at least the ones on disc). [More]

Microsoft To Announce New Xbox Tomorrow; Sony Teases Video Of Playstation 4 Today
It’s been three full months since Sony announced — but did not unveil — the Playstation 4 videogame console. And with Microsoft about to announce its follow-up to the Xbox 360 tomorrow, Sony must have figured today was as good a day as any to finally show a glimpse of the PS4. [More]