Colleges offering distance education, such as online courses, must receive authorization from each state where it has students in order to receive federal financial aid, according to recently released rules that aim to better regulate the online education industry and ensure students understand what protections they have when attending a college in another state. [More]
Proposed Rules

Consumers, Payday Lending Employees Face Off On Proposed Short-Term Lending Rules
Consumer advocates, regulators, and representatives of the small-dollar lending industry descended upon Kansas City on Thursday to discuss the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s long-awaited proposed rules intended to rein in predatory lending. [More]

Dept. Of Education Proposes Rules To Govern College Prepaid Credit & Debit Cards
College students’ federal aid has increasingly been put at risk by the cozy relationship between institutions of higher education and credit card issuers over the years. While consumer advocates and legislators have debated whether or not products like student IDs that double as credit or debit cards provide an actual benefit to students or if they’re just a way for schools and banks to rake in the big bucks, the Department of Education finally took steps today to ensure students are afforded proper protections from excess fees and other harmful practices with the proposal of regulations targeting the college debit and prepaid card marketplace. [More]

Can New Payday Loan Rules Keep Borrowers From Falling Into Debt Traps?
Nearly one in four consumers continue to turn to high-cost, short-term financial products like payday loans, auto-title loans and other pricey alternatives when struggling to make ends meet, even though research shows these expensive lines of credit often leave consumers worse off than when they began. After nearly three years studying the issue, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is now announcing its first attempt to protect consumers from predatory lenders. [More]