processed meat


6 Things People Are Talking About When They Talk About Lab-Grown Meat

If you’ve tuned into the lab-grown meat discussion whatsoever in the past few years, it could seem like it’s only a matter of time before we’re all dining on hot dogs, bacon, and burgers produced in a lab by scientists. We’re not quite at the point of casually shopping for these products alongside meat derived from animals, as there are still things the scientific community has to hash out before lab meat hits the market. [More]

World Health Organization Report Links Bacon, Hot Dogs, Other Processed Meats To Cancer

World Health Organization Report Links Bacon, Hot Dogs, Other Processed Meats To Cancer

You might want to put down your daily hot dog snack while you read this one: a new report from the World Health Organization says bacon, ham and other sausages are a major cause of cancer, putting processed meats in the same category as carcinogens like tobacco, arsenic, asbestos and alcohol. [More]


How Did The Hot Dog Get Such A Bad Rap?

When I was but a wee MBQ, I’d often sit in front of the refrigerator when no one was watching and eat hot dogs straight out of the package. “Gasp!” friends would later say when I recalled that guilty pleasure. “Do you even know what’s in hot dogs?” That widespread urban caveat of hot dogs as tubes of mystery meat has persisted, but is there anything actually scary about the contents of a hot dog? [More]

Maybe You Can’t Father Children Because You’re Eating Too Much Bacon

Maybe You Can’t Father Children Because You’re Eating Too Much Bacon

Have you been trying to start a family but not having any luck? Maybe it’s that slap of bacon (or other processed meat product) you devour to get into the mood. [More]