Google’s not the only company that wants to put ads on everything you read. HP’s new web-connected printers will let you send pages or photos directly from websites or phones and schedule recurring printouts from content partners–and the company is pilot testing a program with Yahoo’s advertising network to deliver targeted ads on those scheduled printouts. [More]

You Like Video Games? Clearly, You Also Like Scantily Clad Women
Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine shut down earlier this year, leaving many disappointed fans. It’s what has happened to subscribers in the wake of the magazine’s death, however, that is problematic.
The Onion Is Killing Their West Coast Print Editions “Unfortunately, despite healthy readership in both Los Angeles and San Francisco (readership has actually risen despite our reduction in copies in recent months) the advertising in both cities has been abysmal,” CEO Steve Hannah said in a memo. [Gothamist]

New York Times To Discontinue Times Select
Yay! Free New York Times! The NYT will discontinue its pay wall tomorrow, freeing the opinions of various smart people to roam the internet unchecked by that pesky $7.95 per month subscription fee. Oh, happy day.

Google Goes to Print
If you’ve been fretting over your favorite newspaper’s inevitible demise (thanks, Internet!)… never fear! Google is set to begin offering print ads in 50 newspapers as a test to see how far it can extend itself into offline media.