
Hey Walmart: 4 Dollar Drugs Are No Big Deal

Over at they’re a little suspicious of Walmart’s PR darling, the $4 generic drug plan. Why?

Kmart: We Already Have a $5 Generic Drug Plan.

Kmart: We Already Have a $5 Generic Drug Plan.

In the wake of media buzz concerning Wal-Mart’s $4 dollar a month generic drug plan, and Target’s claim that they too will slash prices, Kmart has responded: But we already have a $5 a month plan, hello? Guys? Are you there?

WalMart Slashes Generic Prescription Prices

WalMart Slashes Generic Prescription Prices

WalMart’s bouncing smiley face just danced up and down on top of your local CVS. Once the roof caved, he moved over to Walgreens, where the body count is pending. RiteAid is next. Cower in fear.

UPDATE: CVS Won’t Accept You’re Not Stacy

UPDATE: CVS Won’t Accept You’re Not Stacy

Chapter 2

CVS Won’t Accept You’re Not Stacy

CVS Won’t Accept You’re Not Stacy

Like an insane serial killer calling from the attic, drooling and sharpening his knives, CVS just can’t stop calling Robert B.

Yeah Dude, Walgreens Blows

PikaPikaChick concurs, Walgreen’s is the suck. She even wrote a letter to them, expressing the degree of their suck, which is manifest.

Walgreen’s Pharmacists Plot to Kill Customers, CVS Hugs Them

Walgreen’s Pharmacists Plot to Kill Customers, CVS Hugs Them

The indefatigable JPac is one of our best tipsters, sending us off dozens of links per day. We love him, but he’s a mystery: his prose is terse, his commentary spartan.

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

A new study analyzing hospital prescriptions shows startling and potentially deadly trends.

More Customers Mocked By Walgreens Pharmacy

More Customers Mocked By Walgreens Pharmacy

Just over two weeks after a woman sued Walgreens for labeling her a “PSYCHO,” two more patients are suing for slanderous remarks attached to their prescription sheets.

Walgreens Pharmacists Mock You Behind Your Back

Walgreens Pharmacists Mock You Behind Your Back

How would you like to see this on your bottle of meds?