Brian loves him some Mario, so he pre-ordered seven copies of Super Mario Galaxy 2 at GameStop. When he went to pick up his games yesterday, when it was released, he was stonewalled and told the store could only give him five copies. Never mind he already had paid for all of them in full. [More]

Blogger Says GameStop Is Abusing 'Free' Demo To Drive Up Preorders
Nintendo Gal is accusing GameStop of taking a free demo for the Wii game Monster Hunter Tri and systematically refusing to give it out to customers, demanding they plop $5 for a pre-order in order to snag the disc. [More]
Gamestop Oversells PS3 Pre-Orders
Hey, did you pre-order a PS3 from Gamestop? Well, you should probably start making other plans because those assholes oversold their pre-orders (even though they took $100 deposits to secure them. ) From Gamespot:
Best Buy PS3 Preorder SNAFU
If you were one of the lucky few who ordered a PS3 at Best Buy’s website…guess what? They fucked up. “Best Buy never intended for customers to preorder a PS3 on its website, and so all those orders have been canceled by the retailer. As compensation for the mistake, Best Buy will be giving US$10 coupons to those folks who preordered the system” Ha HA HAHA HA, geeks. Enjoy your ten bucks.

GameStop: One Playstation 3 Per Surname
When we posted the news that EB Games had condoned their employees to buy up all of their store’s allotment of PS3 orders, some of you called foul, claiming this wasn’t corporate policy. Fair enough, though the guys at Kotaku tell us they’ve gotten numerous emails from managers, saying it absolutely is official policy. But, hell, you can always buy your PS3 at Gamespot, right?

Where’s My TiVo, TiVo?
TiVo’s managed to alienate quite a few of its most hard-core cathode-ray acolytes with their Series3 “special offer” debacle.