While we’re used to the idea of people keeping money in places other than bank accounts — preloaded debit cards, sock drawers, comic book collections — there’s one way consumers are storing their cash that’s more popular than several financial institutions: Starbucks cards. [More]
pre-paid debit cards

In No Way Are We Shocked That Justin Bieber Is Hawking A Pre-Paid Debit Card Laden With Fees
Here at Consumerist HQ we’re a bit leery when it comes to pre-paid debit cards. They always seem to come with hidden fees that can pop up and punish users for trying to access their own money. And when you throw in a celebrity like say, the Kardashians or in the latest news, Justin Bieber, the potential for the younger set to be exposed to this fee-laden world grows. [More]

Suze Orman's Pre-Paid Debit Card Labeled "Cream Of The Crap"
Yesterday, we told you about personal finance personality Suze Orman’s decision to get behind a pre-paid debit card that she hoped would be of help to consumers who either couldn’t get a line of credit or wanted to avoid using credit cards. But now that people have had a chance to look at the specifics on Suze’s card, the reaction from some is a bit of a shrug. [More]

Suze Orman Launches Her Own Pre-Paid Debit Card
Really wish I’d know about this when I chatted with personal finance personality Suze Orman back in December. The TV host/author/owner of the whitest smile on Earth is set to announce her own pre-paid debit card, which she promises won’t be a pile of fee-laden crud like the one the Kardashian sisters slapped their name on in 2010. [More]

$300 Disappears From Pre-Paid Walmart Debit Card, Store Has No Idea Why
A California was stuck without car insurance and unable to pay her bills after $300 she’d put on her pre-paid Walmart debit card had vanished into the ether. Making matters worse, the retail giant has no idea how the money disappeared. [More]

Walmart: No More Paycheck Here's Your Pre-Paid Debit Card
Walmart, our nation’s largest employer, has eliminated paper paychecks. Now employees can choose to sign up for direct deposit or have their wages added to a pre-paid debit card. ABCNews says that only about half of Walmart’s employees use direct deposit — the rest either prefer a paper paycheck or, in some cases, don’t have a bank account.