Stop, in the name of not accidentally getting stoned and losing your mind a la Maureen Dowd: In order to keep Colorado residents from mistaking marijuana edibles for non-drug-laced food, the state might slap stickers with red stop signs with the letters THC on them to warn folks before they ingest. The stop signs would also be stamped on the food itself. [More]
pot edibles

Colorado Marijuana Regulators Propose Emergency Rule To Clarify Potency Of Pot Edibles
When a New York Times columnist is writing that she hallucinated that she was dead after eating more than the recommended dose of edible marijuana, while other consumers perhaps unused to judging the potency of pot are also complaining about confusing serving sizes, there’s a bit of pressure on Colorado regulators to come up with a solution. That’s why officials are reportedly prepping an emergency rule that would make it easier to tell how much pot is in edible pot products. [More]

New York Times’ Maureen Dowd Eats Pot Candy Bar In Colorado And Totally Freaks Out
When well-known New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd eats edible marijuana in Colorado and freaks out about it, you better believe she’s going to write about it. You’ve might’ve heard of her tale of paranoia and extreme anxiety, because it seems like everyone else is freaking out about it, too. Of course, that’s not the actual point of her opinion piece. [More]