If your fantasy is to engage in all manner of sexual relations while waiting for your pizza order, just be aware that there may be repercussions for your public display of intimacy. [More]

Firefighters In Michigan Delivering Free Pizza To Folks With Working Smoke Alarms
Sure, we all put off certain household tasks like changing the battery in the smoke alarm — but what if you could score a free pizza just for keeping things in working order? [More]

Domino’s Self-Driving Delivery Cars Means Having To Retrieve Pizza Yourself
Maybe you’re not ready to hop into a driverless taxi cab, but what about having your pizza delivered by a self-driving car? [More]

Food Scientist Envisions A Future Where “Super Nutritious Pizza” Exists
Sure, you may try to claim that “pizza is a vegetable” or that it’s healthy because you put some broccoli on top. Yes, we’re just fooling ourselves — but if one food scientist has his way, we could all be eating truly nutritious pizza in the future. [More]

Little Caesars Launching ‘Pizza Portals’ So You Can Avoid Human Interaction
Though Little Caesars’ new “pizza portal” sounds like a wonderful machine that could magically zap you to any far-flung pizza destination you desire, the reality is that it’s just another way we humans can get our grub while not having to actually speak to each other. [More]

There’s A Reclusive Cheese Billionaire Who Built His Empire On Our Pizza Addiction
Every night, in my dreams, I’m Scrooge McDuck-ing in my own private vault, filled to the brim with not gold, but cheese, delicious cheese. This, I would like to imagine, is what the reclusive billionaire at the head of the world’s top pizza cheese company does with his free time. [More]

Pizza Hut Worker Pepper-Sprayed Coworker In Dispute Over Toppings
We often hear of customers overreacting during conflicts with store employees and restaurant workers, but sometimes, even fast food coworkers turn on each other. [More]

Delivery Man Brings Pizza To “Hangry” Passengers On Stalled Amtrak Train
In an act of pizza heroism that earned him $32 in tips, a delivery man brought grub to hangry — hungry and angry — passengers stuck on a stalled Amtrak train. But while his move was met with cheers from Amtrak riders, the train operator is warning against walking that close to the tracks. [More]

Man Gets Hypothermia Hiking Snow-Covered Mountain In Shorts, Trying To Score Free Pizza
If a pizza place is offering free food to people who can hike or bike their way up a snow-covered mountain, you have to ask yourself: Is the pizza really free? And if you’re one Arizona man who had to be rescued while trying to cash in on this promotion, you’re probably wondering: Why did I wear shorts? [More]

Bloodhound Sniffs Out Pizza Thieves Who Lured Delivery Driver To Abandoned House
It’s not an episode of Scooby-Doo* but a recent crime caper in California does sound pretty darn close: A police bloodhound came to the rescue after teens lured a Domino’s delivery driver to an abandoned house and then robbed him of both money and pizza. [More]

Pizza Hut Is Betting $130M It Can Bring Customers Back
While rival Domino’s has managed to pull off a major comeback, Pizza Hut has been struggling for years to turn around slumping sales. In an effort to keep up with the competition, it seems the company figures it might as well throw a bunch of money at the problem. [More]

Delta Throws Multi-Airport Pizza Party After Canceling 300 Flights Due To Weather
No one likes it when their flight gets canceled. But if there’s anything that can alleviate that annoying experience, it’s the healing power of pizza. Delta Air Lines knows this, which is why it hosted a multi-airport pizza party after canceling 300 flights. [More]

Recall: 21,220 Pounds Of Supreme Pizza Sold At Walmart For Potential Listeria
Did you recently pick up an extra large supreme frozen pizza at Walmart, and stash it in your freezer? Did you pick one up in the last few weeks for your family pizza night? If so, you’ll want to check your freezer or monitor your family members for illness: Those pizzas may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. [More]

Celebrate Pi Day With These Deals On Pies And Pizzas
Happy Pi Day! March 14, or 3/14, represents the first three digits of pi, an essential constant in math that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This has important meaning even to those of us who aren’t math geeks: Restaurants and retailers mark the occasion with promotions featuring special prices on pies or on pizzas. You know, pizza pies, but they’re also both round foods. [More]

Domino’s Must Pay $480,000 In Restitution To Underpaid Employees
Last May, the Attorney General in New York State filed suit against Domino’s franchisees for underpaying their workers, and the state also included Domino’s corporate in the suit. This was controversial, since the corporate office insisted that paying restaurant employees was franchisees’ business. Now the case has been settled for $480,000, to be paid by three franchisees who own the ten restaurants that were part of the suit. [More]

Papa John’s Testing Extra $3 Fee To Make Your Pizza First
Most of us have experienced the pain of having to wait an ungodly long time for a pizza ordered during the big game, or on a Friday night, or some other time when pizza is on everyone’s mind. That’s why Papa John’s is willing to bet you’d pay extra to prioritize your pie ahead the rest of the crowd. [More]