If you’re trying to sell a product, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that the person you’re e-mailing isn’t the person who invented a competing product. Say, trying to pitch the Drupal content management system to the creator of competitor WordPress. Sometimes it helps just to Google someone’s name. (via PRDaily) [More]

Men's Retailer Begs For Customers
Here’s a new take on direct mail that we’ll call the “painfully honest but kind of sad” approach. George Anderson at RetailWire writes that a local men’s retailer sent him the following plea via snail mail.

ADT: Sign Up Or Thieves Will Kill Your Dogs With Oven Cleaner
Leo thought that letting his two dogs greet an approaching ADT salesman would be enough of a hint that he didn’t want their security services. Nope! The well-trained salesman sensitively barked: “You know what they are doing to dogs now, don’t you? They’re spraying oven-cleaner into their face, killing them in 20 seconds!”