Kill them with kindness, that appears to be the motto for a video game company after it found links to some of its games posted for free on Reddit. [More]

Leaked Copy Of ‘The Expendables 3’ Downloaded More Than 100K Times A Month Before It Hits Theaters
The devotion of young men who love action movies and Sylvester Stallone combined with that demographic’s ability to torrent video content quickly and easily is providing quite a headache for Lionsgate, the distributor of the upcoming The Expendables 3, after a reportedly near DVD-quality copy of the movie leaked online earlier this week. [More]

Trader Joe’s Sues Owner Of Store In Canada That Sells Only Trader Joe’s Items
Trader Joe’s has made it known that they want one of their best customers to stay away. That’s because he isn’t buying thousands of dollars’ worth of gluten-free granola and chocolate-covered potato chips for his household in Canada: he’s hauling them across the border to sell at his own shop, called Pirate Joe’s, at higher prices. [More]

Free Donuts For Pirates At Krispy Kreme This Wednesday
Do you plunder and pillage? Do you favor parrots, eye patches and fancy hats? If so, then you might be able to score a free donut — or maybe even a free dozen donuts — from Krispy Kreme this Wednesday. [More]

Google Switches Up Its Search Engine To Shun Sites Suspected Of Peddling Pirated Content
Google is making some tweaks in how its search engine runs in order to crack down on any sites that could possibly be promoting or hosting pirated entertainment content. As for why, well, there are a few prevailing thoughts. Perhaps it’s because the entertainment industry wouldn’t get off Google’s back for letting users find free movies and music on the Internet or maybe Google just wants to impress the cool kids of Hollywood so it doesn’t get sued. [More]

5 Weeks As A Container Ship Passenger
For years, adventurous travelers have been able to sail around the world in a luxury cabin for not that much money by renting one onboard container ships. The rise of piracy has made it so a bunch of shipping companies have dropped that option, but you can experience the same thrill vicariously by checking out the dispatches from a Slate reporter who has taken the plunge and got herself in one of these sweet cabins. All is not beauty and mystery, there’s work to be done. Like watching for pirates. [More]

Museum That Lets Visitors Handle Gold Directly Has Gold Stolen
A 74-ounce gold bar that was salvaged from the ocean floor in 1980 was stolen from the Mel Fisher museum last week. It’s valued at $550,000, and it was kept on display in a special case that let visitors stick their hands in to lift it. Supposedly the case was designed to prevent any removal of the bar, but somehow a guy managed to pull it out and put it in his pants pocket before walking out. The insurance company is offering a $10,000 reward for its return. [More]

Is It Okay To Download A Pirated Copy Of A Book You Already Own?
Yesterday we wrote about someone who downloaded a pirated copy of a game after he couldn’t gain access to the copy he’d already paid for. In that case, which most of our commenters supported, it was clear that the consumer was trying to resolve a problem created by the DRM. But what about if you own a printed copy of a book and you simply want to read the ebook version? Should you have to pay for a second copy? Randy Cohen, who writes the The Ethicist column for the New York Times, says downloading a copy you find online is ethical. [More]

The Pirate Bay Bought For $7.7 Million, Plans To Evolve Into Legitimate P2P Service
The Swedish gaming company Global Gaming Factory X AB has purchased The Pirate Bay for $7.7 million, and plans to transform the embattled file sharing site into a legitimate peer-to-peer service. “We would like to introduce models which entail that content providers and copyright owners get paid for content that is downloaded via the site,” the buyers said in an ambiguous statement. The Pirate Bay’s current administrators did offer up one undeniable truth to comfort the site’s fans…

We’d just like to tip our hats to the cruise ship passenger who helped fight off Somali pirates with a deck chair. [Fox News]

Gears Of War Shipped With DRM That Shuts The Game Down After 01/28/09
Do you play games for more than 3 years? I do! I still like Super Mario 3, and that’s no lie. Well, if you are like me, you might be concerned about the fact that the PC version of Gears of War shipped with DRM that automatically made the game unplayable after 1/28/09.

Microsoft Cuts Prices In Order To Compete With Chinese Pirates
Can’t beat ’em? Compete with them! Microsoft has lowered their prices in China in an attempt to thwart pirating.

How I Became A Music Pirate
Does DRM drive even honest well-meaning people to piracy? Yes, of course it does.