Happy Pi Day! March 14, or 3/14, represents the first three digits of pi, an essential constant in math that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This has important meaning even to those of us who aren’t math geeks: Restaurants and retailers mark the occasion with promotions featuring special prices on pies or on pizzas. You know, pizza pies, but they’re also both round foods. [More]

Texas Law Probably Does Not Require PI License To Fix Spyware-Infested Computers
Dries Janssens, a computer repair shop owner in Allen, Texas, is worried that a 2007 law passed by the state legislature requires computer repair technicians to have private investigator licenses to perform “simple computer repairs such as malware removal.” We’re not sure if the law was just badly written or written on purpose at the urging of the state’s private investigator lobby (which Janssens suggests), but it certainly seems like a bad idea. Update: according to this article sent by our weekend editor Carey, it’s just badly written (“It needs some tightening up,” says one lawmaker) and should only apply to the private security industry.