Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are twelve of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are eight of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

U.S. Copyright Office Agrees: Monkey Self-Portraits Are Public Domain
In news that will disappoint monkey photographers nationwide, a draft report from the U.S. Copyright Office seems to make the regulators’ opinion pretty clear on the question of who holds the copyright for a photo — or any work — created by an animal. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are eight of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Sick Of Fighting Photo Thieves, Getty Makes Images Available For Free Embed
Every day, at just about every event that could be of interest to the national and international media, there is at least one Getty photographer, snapping away, all the while knowing that countless websites, Facebook posts, Tweets, and Tumblr posts will probably soon be sharing some of these pics without paying or providing any credit. But after years of trying to combat photo thieves, the mammoth photo agency realizes there is no use fighting the trend. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are eleven of the most interesting photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness. [More]

Mall Security Guard Fired Over Parking Lot Wrestling Match With Photo-Snapping Shopper
Earlier this month, a truck rolled over into a ravine next to the Ohio Valley Mall in Clairsville, OH. Of course, the sight of a huge truck resting in the ravine drew some onlookers from the mall parking lot, many of whom tried to take photos. It also drew one security guard who has lost her job after being involved in a physical altercation with one of these onlookers. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are twelve of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness. [More]

Is It Rude To Take Photos Of Your Food In A Restaurant?
Since the earliest days of photo sharing, shutterbugs have been posting images of their restaurant meals online for all to see. That behavior has only become more common through the use of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and whatever other service was launched yesterday. Now some chefs say it’s gone too far. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are fifteen of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness. [More]

‘It Really Is A Business’: Why Taking Your Own Santa Visit Pictures Makes You A Cheap Jerk
Last week, we ran a post with advice for families bringing kids to visit Santa, written by a former mall Santa who got the job despite being skinny, thirtyish, and Jewish. He explained how to keep your children from melting down on Santa’s lap. One former elf, who we’ll call “Holly,” took offense at one of that particular Santa’s tips for saving money, and wrote in to explain how things worked at the mall where she served as “elf,” or manager of the Santa set. The main thing she wants our readers to know: if you don’t buy any photos and insist on only taking your own, you’re a Grinchy jerk who is figuratively yanking money out of every employee’s pockets. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are five of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness. [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are seven of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or just plain neatness.
Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool. [More]

Canon Recalls 68,000 Rebel Cameras Because You Shouldn't Have An Allergic Reaction To Digital Photography
While some people might think they are allergic to the overly Photoshopped images in their friends’ Flickr and Instagram feeds, that’s not quite the same as an actual camera that could cause an allergic reaction for the person taking those photographs. [More]