Cellphone provider Helio’s business line is 310-445-7000. Press 4 to reach the company directory and then you can pull up all sorts of people, like the executives found on this page. Good for when Helio’s underwhelming and outsourced customer service droids fail.
phone numbers

Reach Pitney Bowes Executive Customer Service
800-622-2296 is the number for the Office of the President at Pitney Bowes, makers of fine mail processing equipment. One reader had a persistent problem with his meter and that was the number to which they eventually escalated him.

Reach 5 High-Up Verizon Wireless People
Some cellphone problems are like a nagging itch in the middle of your back you can’t reach, if and Tier-1 customer service can’t either, some of the five Verizon Wireless muckety-mucks after the jump might be able to help you scratch it if you call or email them.

Contact Washington Mutual CEO And Friends
Got an intractable Washington Mutual issue that regular customer service can’t solve? Try kicking it up to some of these bigwigs:

Call The CEO Of Verizon
if you have a Verizon landline issue that has been escalated to management but you’re still not getting a satisfactory answer, you may want to try kicking it up to the CEO or his close cadre of immediate minions. Maybe you can ask them where your f***ing “Free LCD TV” is.

Uhaul CEO's Cellphone Number
The CEO of Uhaul gave out his cellphone number last night on an episode of Inside Edition, inviting consumers to call with complaints or questions. Joe Shoen explained saying, “People can’t get this organization to behave, I can.” That number is 602-390-6525.

Reach US-Based Verizon DSL Customer Service
Verizon DSL customer service draws complaints because it’s mainly outsourced to people from India with thick accents and little comprehension of how to fix your problem, but one reader says he’s got, “a direct number to Verizon’s Teleperformance-run, Columbus, OH call center. No Pasig or Hyderabad agents.”

ING Direct Doesn't Care You Never Got Your $1400
Rob writes:
I was the recipient of an international wire transfer into my Netbank Checking Account for $1000 EUR (about $1400 US) on 2007-08-08. After I noticed the amount didn’t post to my account, I contacted Netbank and the sending bank in Spain. The sending bank generated a multi-page “proof of transfer” document and indicated the money had been transfered. Netbank never got back to me. This began the 7 month nightmare of dealing with an inattentive bank in the middle of it’s being seized by the FDIC that continues to this day.
Pictured: CEO Arkadi Kuhlmann perched atop his Harley-Davidson in the ING-Direct company lobby.

Reach Capital One Account Supervisors
Capital One Account Supervisors: 1-800-707-0489. They have full access and powers to fix any account problems. They’re probably even so smart that they can tell what’s in your wallet without even asking.
866-506-3826 is an escalated XBOX support number where they all speak English.

Reach Tier 3 XBOX Escalations
If Microsoft has already given you a reference number for your XBOX complaint, you can kick it up to Tier 3 escalations. Their employees are from America! [More]

Reach AT&T Executive Customer Service, Rebates, Retentions
Retentions 866-485-5238
(Photo: bryce_edwards)

Reach Time Warner Cable's CEO, General Counsel, SoCal Division President

Reach Office Depot Executive Customer Service
Customer.relations@officedepot.com, an internal source says, is a good email contact for reaching Office Depot executive customer service, those cool cats who can solve tricky customer service issues when the lower level people fail. “Office Depot calls it customer relations,” our tipster tells us, “and I’ll be the first one to tell you that we cave easily.”

Reach Verizon Executive Customer Service
If you’re having an intractable problem with your Verizon telephone, internet, or FiOS TV, that calls to regular customer service can’t solve, here is one cat you can call. Remember to state your case clearly, calmly, and succinctly. This is not the place for histrionics or epic sagas, just let ’em know what they need to fix.

Email Tmobile Executive Customer Service
ExecutiveResponse@T-Mobile.com is the email address for Tmobile’s team of high-echelon customer service specialists. One of our readers was able to use this email address to get Tmobile to give her a rebate she felt the cellphone company had unfairly denied.