Inside, the Fry’s Electronics Home Office corporate directory. Some of these extensions are duplicates, but the list seems to work in general. If you’re having trouble getting traction on a customer service issue with the notoriously difficult to reach company, this could be your lodestar. Update: An insider went through the giant phone list and broke out the upper-level people by their job area.
phone numbers

Uhaul CEO Gave Out Cellphone Number On National TV, But Never Picks Up Or Returns Calls
In what looked like a daring move, the CEO of Uhaul, Joe Shoen, gave out his “cellphone number” on national TV and invited customers to call him with their complaints. The problem is, when you call, he doesn’t pick up. If you leave a message, it’s not returned. You get to hear Joe’s gruffly charming voicemail message, but can’t leave one of your own. His mailbox is full.

Spirit Airlines Executive Contact Information
Got an unresolved complaint with Spirit Airlines and regular customer service not working out for you? Then you might want to make use of the Spirit executive contact information we’ve got posted inside (especially the info for the CEO’s assistant). Reading these posts about how to write a good complaint letter, how to send an eecb, and how to deal with executive customer service may also come in handy. With this info, you’ll go from frowny consumer to jet set in no time.

96 Numbers For Wells Fargo Card Service Senior Management And Their Direct Reports
If you have a problem with your Wells Fargo-issued credit card and regular customer service isn’t helping you, you might want to try one of the 96 people whose phone numbers we have posted inside. Just like with tier 1 customer service, you want to be polite, professional, and able to calmly tell them exactly what you want in a sentence or two. This primer on using executive customer service should help too. Time to put that stagecoach on turbo!

Call The NJ Verizon Landline Escalation Hotline
908-717-3115 is the number for the NJ Verizon Escalation Hotline. This is the number they’re giving out to Verizon customers in NJ who signed up for FiOs and are still waiting for their free LCD TVs. Leave your name and number and they’ll call you back.

Reach Verizon Wireless West Coast Executive Customer Service
866-673-9561 is the number to reach Verizon Wireless executive customer service on the West Coast. Only use it when normal routes of customer service have repeatedly failed, be nice, be able to condense your story in about 2 sentences, and don’t forget these tips for dealing with executive customer service.

Contact Macy's Executive Customer Service
Here is the official box where they want you to send complaints…

Email Addresses For 17 Bank Of America Executives
Here are 18 working Bank of America executive/employee email addresses. A Consumerist reader launched a EECB (executive email carpet bomb) that got his overdraft fees refunded; these were the ones that didn’t bounce back, plus some more we found recently.

Reach Washington Mutual Executive Customer Service
If you’re trying to get through to Washington Mutual and regular customer service isn’t helping you, give these numbers for Executive Customer Service, a very high-up customer service team with superpowers to solve customer problems at any and all levels, a try. Be calm, polite, professional, and able to state your case in 1-2 sentences. It’s a good idea to read this post on dealing with executive customer service first. The info really works, read this lady’s story about how contacting WaMu executive customer service saved her house from foreclosure.

Call American Airlines Executive Customer Service
Two phone numbers for reaching American Airlines Executive Customer Service when normal customer service fails.

Updated: Reach Lowe's Executive Customer Service
Here is a phone number and email address for reaching Lowe’s executive customer service:

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service
203-351-2221 connects you directly to Time Warner Cable’s executive customer care division. Jeff Simmermon, Time Warner’s Digital Communications Director, sent this number to us himself. What a good example for other companies to emulate!

All The Secret Paypal/Ebay Email Addresses And Phone Numbers You Could Ever Want
Here are over 450 pieces of internal email addresses and phone numbers to reach a real live human at Paypal/eBay. Anyone who has ever experienced Paypal unfairly freezing their funds, Paypal siding with someone who scammed them and losing money because of it, Paypal seizing funds from their bank account or credit card without permission, or just the simple impenetrable, rude, and useless customer service can surely appreciate this list. There’s contact info for executive relations, high executives, practically every department, and more, both US and international. The information comes courtesy of, a site started by a man who says Paypal wrongfully denied access to his funds for four years. I guess that’s how long it takes to track down every single piece of Paypal contact info. He got his money back eventually, and you can too, with the email addresses and phone numbers inside…