Here’s some info we dug up that can help you contact some higher ups at Wells Fargo if you’ve tried regular customer service and escalating to supervisors and it’s not working out.First read this post about how to contact and conduct yourself when using executive customer service. [More]
phone numbers

Reach Wachovia Auto Loan Executive Customer Service
The number for Wachovia Auto Loan Executive Customer service is 877-250-2265.

Reach Blizzard Entertainment Executives
If you have a problem with Blizzard Entertainment, makers of World of Warcraft, among other diversions, and contacting regular customer doesn’t help, try some of the contact info inside…
This appears to be a higher-level BoA credit card services number where a real person picks up in just a few rings and is actually competent and help you out with your requests: 800-792-9008

How To Reach Someone At CVS
An anonymous tipster sent us the following information today on how to reach the executive level at CVS. Remember, don’t use this to be a jerk to anyone—use it when you have a valid complaint that you can’t get resolved through the recommended paths.

Reach Orbitz's Customer Service Head Honcho
If you have a problem with Orbitz and regular customer service and escalating to a supervisor doesn’t help you, give this gal a call.

Uncover Hard To Find 800 Numbers
Whether by accident or design, or bad web design, sometimes it’s darn difficult to find some company’s phone number. Into this need niche steps It’s arranged alphabetically by company name, just click on the first letter of the company name. Amazon is on there, so is Google. I like their tagline, “You keep them in business. Yet they hide from you. Until now.”

Updated: Reach HSBC Executive Customer Service
If regular HSBC customer service are being bitches (as they are wont to do) and you’re not making any headway, try calling 877-472-2005 which is the number to reach HSBC executive customer service. Also, a number for card services is 831-755-6699.
The Fastest Way To Get A Human At Wamu
The quickest way to reach a human customer service rep at WamU: press 1, 6, and 2 on the successive menus. [TeresaCentric]

Contact Enterprise CEO Andy Taylor
I’ve always found Enterprise to have stellar service, but if for some reason you should have an issue not resolvable at the branch or through regular customer service, here’s the contact info for their CEO Andy Taylor.

Quickly Get A Live Rep With Dial-A-Human is just like, offering a cheat sheet of secret codes to bypass annoying phone-trees and get right to a live operator.

Reach A Nice Best Buy Customer Service Supervisor
Only use this contact info if you can’t get help from the store and the regular customer service line isn’t doing it for ya.

Contact Info For Greyhound Bus Lines
There’s not a lot of contact info on the web for Greyhound or its executives, but one determined customer has put a lot of effort into documenting what there is. Here are mailing addresses and a few unpublished phone numbers for people in the Greyhound executive offices.

Updated: Reach Verizon Landline Executive Customer Service
Call 1-800-483-7988 and press 3 to reach the Verizon Customer Advocates for landlines and DSL. Other valid executive customer service contact information:

Updated: Contact DISH Executive Customer Service
If you have a problem with DISH and regular customer service isn’t working, try these folks:

Complete Norton Symantec Executive Contact List
If you have an unresolved Norton/Symantec complaint and regular customer service doesn’t help you out, you might want to try giving one of the top-ranking company executives inside a call or an email. Don’t forget to be nice, polite, and professional, and remember the guidelines for contacting executive customer service. If you need help writing a solid complaint letter, here’s a template to follow. And if you want a real anti-virus program that won’t hose up your computer, try NOD32. Now here’s the complete executive contact list…