Pokémon Go players have basically one job: catch Pokémon. Pesticide workers also have a job to do: kill bugs. Those two occupations are getting a bit tangled up in Texas, where truck drivers trying to spray for mosquitoes are happening upon swarms of Pokémon Go fans at all hours of the day and night. [More]

Pesticide Workers Finding It Tricky To Spray For Mosquitoes Amid Swarms Of Pokémon Go Players

Chobani Can’t Run Ads Claiming Other Greek Yogurt Products Contain Bug Spray, Chlorine
A federal court has ordered the makers of Chobani Greek yogurt to stop running a series of new ads that claim similar products from Dannon and Yoplait contain insecticides and chlorine. [More]

General Mills Sues Chobani For Advertising That Yoplait Contains “Bug Spray”
If you’re going to casually advertise that your competitor’s product contains an insecticide, you should probably expect to get sued. Just ask the lawyers at General Mills, who are none to happy about Chobani ads claiming that Yoplait’s competing yogurt contains a product used to “kill bugs.”

Ace And TrueValue Hardware Consider Maybe Not Selling Insecticides That May Harm Bees
Bees are important: they aren’t just cool-looking and producers of delicious sweeteners, but they’re essential to pollinate plants and to produce the food that those plants grow. Yet sudden deaths of bees have been linked to a new class of pesticides, neonicotinoids, which some experts say has a devastating effect on the nervous systems of bees. [More]

When Is It Worthwhile To Buy Organic?
Want to avoid eating pesticides without breaking the bank on organics? The handy “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides” makes it easy to keep track of which fruits and vegetables are likely to have bug spray all over them and which are not. Peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, and strawberries head up the “dirty dozen” with the highest pesticide load. At the bottom: onions, avocados, frozen sweet corn, pineapple, and mangoes, which have so little pesticide, you’re better off buying conventionally grown varieties (unless you’re rich).
Prusakolep: Kill Cockroaches on LSD
After that sleazy Joe Francis story, I think we all could use a burst of sunshine to break through the clouds of our thoughts. So I’m pleased to call your attention to this commercial for Prusakolep… the best commercial ever made. It views like a lost scene from Skidoo, featuring kitchens and schooners overrun by cockroaches… not to mention the most captivating and apropos synthesizer rendition of La Cucaracha ever recorded.