personal finance

Chase Reactivates Dead Card Without Your Permission

Chase Reactivates Dead Card Without Your Permission

Erica writes:

Recently, my husband and I got two new Chase credit cards in the mail. I didn’t look closely, assuming that this was a new card for our never-used Chase Mastercard account. This account has been around for seven years, but we prefer another card with a rewards system; the Mastercard account is open only to benefit our credit rating. Therefore, no urgency in activating it — I dropped it in the bill pile to deal with later.

Don't File Taxes? You Gotta To Get A Stimulus Check

Don't File Taxes? You Gotta To Get A Stimulus Check

People who are not normally required to file taxes will have to do so this year if they want a piece of the 2008 economic stimulus rebate. This applies to low-income works, and Social Security, Veterans Affairs Recipients, and Railroad Retirement recipients. In partnership with the IRS, the following sites are offering free tax prep and electronic filing if the only reason you need to files is to receive a stimulus check:

In Breach Of Federal Law, Banks Hide Fees

In Breach Of Federal Law, Banks Hide Fees

The Red Tape Chronicles reports bank fees are so hard to find that even the government can’t find them. A recent investigation by the Government Accountability Office released this week couldn’t find the fee schedules at 1/3 of the nation’s banks. Not only does this make comparison shopping impossible for the consumer, they’re breaking federal law, the 1991 Truth in Savings Act and Federal Reserve Regulation DD, which requires fees to be posted clearly and conspicuously. Violations are rarely punished with any severity, meaning, as Red Tape Chronicles writes, “it’s far more likely that you’ll get a parking ticket for breaking parking rules outside a bank than it is the bank will be fined for disobeying federal lending laws.”

How To Go 30 Years Without A Credit Card

How To Go 30 Years Without A Credit Card

I recently reached what I bet is a rare milestone: I have now gone 30 years, basically my entire working life so far, without a credit card.

Should We Bribe Kids And Teachers For Good Grades?

Should We Bribe Kids And Teachers For Good Grades?

Here’s a question where money meets ethics: should kids be paid for good results in school? No, we’re not talking about parents dishing out the occasional $5 or $10 bill to junior for getting an “A”. Instead, there’s a new sheriff in town. Now schools and teachers are doing the giving and are handing out much more than most moms and dads. The details:

The fourth graders squirmed in their seats, waiting for their prizes. In a few minutes, they would learn how much money they had earned for their scores on recent reading and math exams. Some would receive nearly $50 for acing the standardized tests, a small fortune for many at this school, P.S. 188 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

And it’s not only the kids making money off the scores…

Is Your CEO Getting Kickbacks Off Your 401k Fees?

Is Your CEO Getting Kickbacks Off Your 401k Fees?

Author David Loeper over in the WiseBread forums explains how your CEO could be getting a kickback from excessive fees on your company’s 401k. The “administration fees” on some company’s 401ks are sometimes 20 times as much as what it actually costs to run the fund. Part of these fees go back to the 401k admin via “revenue sharing.” Usually the admin keeps it but sometimes they’re so big that they go back to the employee’s accounts. But instead of being credited back equally… [More]

HSBC Refunds $35 Fee, Not To Correct Their Mistake, But Because You Have A Deadly Brain Tumor

HSBC Refunds $35 Fee, Not To Correct Their Mistake, But Because You Have A Deadly Brain Tumor

I made an electronic payment online with my one of my bank’s check card. Turns out this was the wrong one, and I immediately canceled the payment (as there’s a very easy to find and large button allowing you to do this immediately as well), and resubmitted it through the correct bank. So, to sum up, the payment was made, about two weeks before it was due. I figured all was cool and I was being a good customer for paying more than the minimum balance, way ahead of the due date, online, so there wouldn’t be any “problems” with a check or the postal service. Then I look on my statement and I’ve been charged a $35 Returned Payment Fee.

How Bad Are Check-Cashing Fees Really?

How Bad Are Check-Cashing Fees Really?

Here’s the fees a MoneyGram check-cashing place near me will charge you to cash your checks:

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The Candidates on the Pocketbook Issues [Business Week] “Here are some proposals from the 2008 Presidential candidates for shoring up Americans’ financial security.”

Should You Buy A Monkey?

Should You Buy A Monkey?

Like so many of us, Stewart at My Family’s Money has always wanted to own a monkey. His reasoning is sound: “They are ridiculously awesome and having one as a pet would be even more awesome.” Stewart decided it would be a good idea to estimate the total lifetime cost of owning a monkey. We think he’s playing a little fast and loose with the numbers, but then again where do you go to get hard stats on monkey ownership? Not from our lazy Census takers, that’s for sure.

Chase Rep Cancels Credit Card Because Of Mint

Chase Rep Cancels Credit Card Because Of Mint

A hyper-vigilant Chase CSR canceled a woman’s credit card and issued her a new one when she called in to confirm her interest rate, because Mint was showing a slightly higher rate. A Mint representative confirms that “while we can generally get pretty good info about APR, APR can vary widely by customer & there won’t always be a 100% match (that’s why we allow customers to edit their account information).”

Capital One Invents New Way To Rip You Off For $500

Capital One Invents New Way To Rip You Off For $500

Capital One accidentally sent a customer with a closed Capital One credit card a check for $500. She cashed the check and now CapO wants its money back… so badly that they reopened the closed credit card just so it could bill her. They also added a $1.42 finance charge. When asked by The Oregonian, a consumer advocate and official with the Office Of The Comptroller of Currency both said they had never heard of a company reopening a closed credit card for this reason before. What a brilliant new scam, here’s a check for $500 dummty dum dum two months pass oh wait guess what that was actually a loan, pay up, bitch. In all seriousness, don’t cash unexpected checks, you’re just asking for trouble.

Asking For Lower APR Gets Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA Card Closed Against Man's Will

Asking For Lower APR Gets Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA Card Closed Against Man's Will

Thomas writes:

If you don’t use your Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA (issued by Barclay’s) for an entire year, they close the card and report to the credit agencies that you requested to close it. I’ve learned that when I called to inquire about a lower rate on 2/26, the agent canceled my account.

Man Blames Wife-Beating On High Gas Prices

Man Blames Wife-Beating On High Gas Prices

Economically tight times can increase the pressure on an already tense personal relationship, as in this absolutely despicable case of domestic abuse: WJXT reports that a 77-year-old man beat up his 74-year-old wife, “because he was upset about the high cost of gas for driving her to and from dialysis treatments.” Signs of the times on the road to hell.

Kelly’s Will Rent-To-Own You This Wii For $948

Kelly’s Will Rent-To-Own You This Wii For $948

Here’s a perfect example of what a ripoff rent-to-own or “lease-purchase” (to use the Kelly’s phrase) arrangements are to the consumer. This $250 Wii console can be yours for only $79 a month, and after 12 months, it’s yours to keep. By that time, you will have paid $948 for it. By comparison, if you charged it to a credit card with 18% interest, you could pay $23 a month and have it paid off after 12 months. Kelly’s offer will cost you $673 more than paying with the credit card.


A debt-blogging couple in their forties celebrates one year of paying off debts, going from over $41,000 in the hole to owing only $11,596. [NeedToBeDebtFree via BloggingAwayDebt]

19 Free Tax Services Tested And Rated

19 Free Tax Services Tested And Rated

Still looking for an affordable e-filing solution for your taxes? The finance blog FiLife “tested every one of the free tax filing services available through the IRS’ Free File program, then posted the results in a detailed, easy-to-read comparison chart.

HSBC Fraud Story On WNBC4

HSBC Fraud Story On WNBC4

If you live in the New York Metro area, tune into NBC channel 4 like right now to see a followup on the widespread HSBC fraud story we broke. They interview Corey, the fiance of Emily, a Consumerist reader and HSBC fraud victim. WNBC tells us that the FBI said they they were generally aware of fraud in the area, but not this specific HSBC matter, and will be looking into the case. It’s par for the course that the bank would be more interested in avoiding bad publicity quiet than going after the scammers stealing your money. UPDATE: Just watched it, HSBC is saying that a credit card payment processor lost the customer data and so other banks could be affected too. However, when WNBC contacted other banks, Chase and Citi said they had not heard of missing money, Mastercard said they have not issued a system-wide alert, and VISA said they’re looking into it.