

• Internet sales tax is a Communist front. [The Red Tape Chronicles]

From PayPal To PayPauper

From PayPal To PayPauper

A thousand times a day, PayPal emails most of us and informs us that there’s been a grave compromise in our accounts. Would we like to just click this big bright button and fix it, please? And just like that, your entire savings has been funneled into a phisher’s pornography investment.

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

• Old news but we didn’t talk about it yet: Telcos secretly funding anti-net-neutrality websites. Probably made by the same ad agency who did the pro-C02 spot. [Digg]

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Last week we wrote about Max, who tried to send money to his friend through Paypal but found himself ensnarled in a technical and customer service nightmare. In the end, his road of good intentions lead to B”anned from Paypal and Ebay Land,” a decidedly unhappy place excised from The Wizard of Oz as it frightened the focus group children terribly so.

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Thanks to some zealous Paypal security, mixed with tech snafus and a little lack of information about how Paypal works, Max had to go through leaps and hurdles to retrieve his money after he committed the crime of lending money to his friend.

IRS To Aggressively Tax Internet Purchases

IRS To Aggressively Tax Internet Purchases

The IRS’ recent order for full record disclosure to Paypal is part of a larger movement to tax purchases and monetary transactions over the Internet.

I.R.S. Demands PayPal Records

I.R.S. Demands PayPal Records

Would-be Count of Monte Cristo’s beware, the IRS has won approval from a federal court to get Paypal to turn over records about people who may be dodging the taxman by stashing dough in foreign lands.

Ask The Consumerists

Julia’s got an eBay protocol question for you:

PayPal Via Cellphone

PayPal Via Cellphone

Paypal has transformed your mobile phone into a magic money wand.

3rd Party Phishing Scam

3rd Party Phishing Scam

B.L. Ochman tips us off to a type of Paypal phishing scam to watch out for. She received a Pay Pal receipt lookalike for a watch from a company called Omegamove. The amount was for $395.85 and was to be shipped to one James Dickinson. Presumably, the scammers think you’ll see that, say, omg, I didn’t order a $400 watch and follow the link to dispute the order. After which, you enter in your Paypal info and they steal it. Paypal has confirmed the email to be a phish and is investigating.

A Call for eBay Bounty Hunters

While I think we can all agree that what happened to Chris Dotson—getting scammed out of over three grand on eBay and Paypal—sucks to high heaven, he raises a more interesting point at the end of his post: Is there a market for a third-party eBay scam collection service?

The Sucks Site Review:

The Sucks Site Review:

If you’re going to run a successful Suck Site, you should aim for a big target. PayPal Sucks may have stumbled on powerful internet suck alchemy. Anyone who has used eBay (the owner of PayPal) more than casually will have run afoul of PayPal at least once. And thus, a hit is born.