Two months after Gillette sued Dollar Shave Club, claiming the competitor had violated its intellectual property, the subscription razor service has filed a countersuit, saying it hasn’t infringed on any of its rival’s patents.

Dollar Shave Club Files Countersuit Against Gillette In Patent Fight

U.S. Court Bans Samsung From Selling Certain Smartphones That Infringe On Apple Patents
Apple has won another round in the seemingly endless battle with Samsung over patents: a U.S. court has banned Samsung from selling certain smartphones that infringe on three patents held by its rival. [More]

U.S. Marshals Raid CES Booth To Seize Alleged Knockoff Scooters
We’ve seen lots of odd things at CES International over the years — live kangaroos, stormtroopers, boxing matches, Seth Rogen — but one thing we’ve never seen before is U.S. marshals seizing knockoff products for alleged patent infringement. [More]

Samsung Agrees To Pay Apple $548M To Settle 5-Year Patent Battle
It’s been a long time coming, but Samsung and Apple’s ongoing patent battle has finally come to an end: a little under five years since the two technology giants first clashed in court over patents, Samsung has agreed to pay $548 million to settle the long-running dispute with Apple. [More]

Court Ruling On Trade Dispute Also Prevents MPAA From Blocking File-Sharing Sites
The internet can be very weird sometimes, as can the massive patchwork of regulation and case law that holds the world together. And so it came to pass this summer that we found ourselves looking at an otherwise-obscure court case about braces — yes, the teeth kind — that could upend the way the entire internet works in the name of preventing media piracy. Happily, it looks like the internet, in all its chaotic and sometimes illegal glory, gets to keep marching on for the time being. [More]

Jury Finds That Apple Used University Of Wisconsin Patent, Could Owe $862.4M In Damages
While the patent war between Apple and Samsung continues, the patent war between Apple and the University of Wisconsin has begun. This is a much shorter saga so far: it started in 2014, when the university’s patent-holding entity, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, sued Apple over the use of technology that makes processors more efficient, which Apple used in recent phones and tablets. [More]

Unintentionally Hilarious Airbus Patent Suggests Stacking Passengers On Top Of Each Other
Sick of fighting over the armrest on a flight? Or maybe your knees ache at the mere thought of squeezing into an airplane seat? While some patents seek to address those issues with clever design, a recently filed Airbus patent intends to cram more passengers into a plane by simply stacking them on top of each other. [More]

Patent Would Have Airlines Sort Passengers By Height, Then Adjust Rows To Save Their Knees
Have you ever been squeezed into an airplane seat and then looked behind you to see you’re in front of a small child who has plenty of legroom? In a car, you’d be able to slide your seat back a few inches to give you some extra space, but without cramping the kid behind you. A new patent aims to put that same idea into practice on commercial aircraft. [More]
![The process for Facebook loan approval. [Click To Enlarge]](../../../../
Facebook Patent Would Allow Lenders To Determine Creditworthiness By Looking At Your ‘Friends’
Earlier this year Facebook announced it would dip its toes into the pool of mobile payments by launching a system that allowed users to send money to friends via the Messenger app. Now it appears the company may take things a bit farther after receiving approval for a patent this week that would allow creditors to determine whether or not someone is worthy of a loan based on their circle of friends on the social networking site. [More]

Trade Dispute About Dental Devices Could End Up Changing The Future Of The Entire Internet
The entire future of the internet may now depend on some plastic retainers. Specifically, two competing versions of those clear plastic alignment systems adults sometimes get instead of braces. And if that sounds weird — which to be fair, it really is — well, welcome to the strange, utterly pervasive world of IP law in a digital century. [More]

Apple Wants To Pre-Check Your Spending Power Before Advertising To You
Apple products are popular, but they’re not cheap. There’s a certain cachet that goes with them, a projection of status and class. And Apple’s newest patent isn’t for another high-cost, high-popularity product… it’s for tech that will only advertise stuff to you that they think you can afford. [More]

Apple Avoids Paying $533M In Fight Over Patents, Wins A New Trial To Decide Damages
A few months after a jury ordered Apple to pay almost $533 million after finding that the iPhone giant had infringed on three patents held by a rival company, a judge has thrown out that award and ordered a new trial to determine damages in the case. [More]

BlackBerry Settles Patent Dispute With Makers Of Slip-On Keyboard
After another round of fighting over whether keyboard company Typo Products’ was infringing on BlackBerry’s patents, the two sides have decided to settle their dispute. Typo will still get to sell slip-on keyboards — as long as they’re of a certain size. [More]

U.S. Patent Office: Patent Troll Does Not Entirely Own Concept of “Podcasting”
“Podcasting” might as well have been the word of the year in 2014, when “Serial” shot the form straight to the top of the pop-culture buzz charts for a few months. But while everyone in America was plugging in earbuds and trying to decide whodunit, the U.S. Patent Office had the more important end of the challenge: deciding who actually owns the patent for the idea of podcasting. [More]

Original Patent For Perforated Toilet Paper On A Roll Solves Over Vs. Under Debate Once And For All
After pitting loved ones and enemies alike against each other for what feels like all of human existence, it seems we may finally have a definitive winner in the “over vs. under” toilet paper draping debate. [More]

Lawsuit From Ericsson Wants To Ban Apple From Importing iPhones, iPads
Another day, another lawsuit against Apple: This time around, the company’s facing a lawsuit from Ericsson that seeks to ban imports on all iPads and iPhones amidst a dispute about licensing fees for several patents. [More]

Amazon Imagines A Future Where Delivery Trucks Print 3D Products At The Curb
There can be a lot of worry over getting a package from Amazon delivered successfully — but what if your item never had to travel farther than the distance between the curb and your door? Amazon has filed a few patent applications in an effort to perhaps make curbside 3D printing a reality for the future. [More]