In May, new USDA regulations went into effect that require meat processing plants to label not just the original country of origin for each item sold, but also which countries that product might have stopped at along its way from farm-to-store. The rules also prohibit the commingling of meats from various international sources. But now a group of meat industry associations have sued the USDA, claiming that this rule violates their Constitutional rights. [More]
papers please

If You’re Not The GEICO Pig, You Should Probably Have Your Paper Insurance Card Handy
Unless you’re like me and the sight of the GEICO pig on your TV has you instantly lunging for the mute button, you may have seen the ads where the porcine insurance shill blabs on about the convenience of having his insurance card on his smartphone. That’s nice and all, but it won’t currently fly in most states. [More]

This Goodwill Sign Was Drafted By Arizona Lawmakers
Ryan happened upon a Goodwill that feels the need to check your ID before it lets you partake in the pleasures of its restroom. [More]