When was the last time you used a pay phone? Given that just about every American old enough to say “hello” now has a cellphone, you’d be forgiven for thinking these once-vital telecom totems had gone the way of the telegraph. But there are still hundreds of thousands of pay phones out there, waiting to be used by people without any other options available. [More]

Florida McDonald’s Franchisees Testing Ground Chicken Burgers
Who needs a regular old hamburger — or a turkey burger, or a chicken filet — when you can get a burger made from ground chicken instead? At least that’s the thought process for the operators of 202 McDonald’s restaurants in Florida’s Tampa Bay area. [More]

Man Arrested For Calling Too Many Operators
In a story that would never happen in America, a Japanese man was arrested after making over 37,000 calls to telephone operators because he just enjoyed the sound of their voice.