Listen: if the dentist says he doesn’t mind dropping by your house to pull a few teeth, you might want to double check and make sure he’s a real dentist before you open wide. [More]
open wide

Dentist Who Claimed Copyright Over Patient’s Yelp Review Must Pay $4,766 In Damages
Way back in 2011, we told you about a dental patient who said his dentist had gone too far with a “privacy agreement” that preempted patients from publicly complaining about the doctor and claimed copyright on patients’ reviews. After nearly four years of legal wrangling, the dentist has finally been ordered to pay the patient nearly $5,000 in damages, though he may never get it. [More]

Burger King Japan Now Selling A "Pizza-Size" Whopper
Some of you may remember the BK Whopper Bar in New York City’s 9.5″ diameter Pizza Burger from 2010. Well, a version of that monster has crossed the globe to hit the stomachs of Japanese eaters. [More]