The typical outsider’s view of payday lending involves seedy looking storefront shops in strip malls near pawn shops and bail bonds, so the idea of going to a short-term lender with a cleanly designed, professional website might seem more appealing (not to mention convenient). However, a new report finds that online payday loans may wreak more financial havoc than their bricks-and-mortar counterparts. [More]
Online Payday Lending

The Other Danger Of Online Payday Loans: Identity Theft
Many people who seek online payday loans are already in a very vulnerable position when they take on the added risk of the excessive interest rates and often exorbitant fees associated with these short-term loans. But there’s another danger possibly lurking in the payday shadows: Having all their personal and financial data end up in the hands of cyber criminals. [More]

Pennsylvania Sues Think Finance, Alleging Illegal Payday Loan Scheme
Pennsylvania is one of several states with laws prohibiting payday lending, but the often predatory products still find their way to consumers via online marketplaces and companies’ claiming affiliation with American Indian tribes. In an effort to crack down on such nefarious lenders, the state’s attorney general filed a consumer protection lawsuit against a Texas-based company for allegedly engineering a payday loan scheme over the internet. [More]

Montana Consumers Win Fight Against Online Payday Lender, Loan Debt Will Be Forgiven
Montana consumers fill the winner’s column after winning a long-standing fight with the online payday lending industry. After three years of litigation, hundreds of hundreds of affected borrowers in the state will have their loans forgiven and receive their share of a $233,000 settlement. [More]