
The Secretly Awesome Design Of The Ordinary Tic-Tac Box

The Secretly Awesome Design Of The Ordinary Tic-Tac Box

We roll our eyes at instructions on totally mundane objects. “I’m an adult,” a hypothetical person might say. “I know how to strike a match.” Or inflate a balloon. Or apply shampoo to my head. Maybe the ordinary person isn’t as smart as we’d like to think, though. There are millions of boxes of Tic-Tacs circulating out there right this minute, but most people have no idea how to actually dispense the tiny torpedoes of freshness. [More]

Credit Card Companies Say TJ Maxx Breach Affected 94 Million Accounts

Credit Card Companies Say TJ Maxx Breach Affected 94 Million Accounts

According to new court papers, Visa and Mastercard are saying that the TJ Maxx security breach actually affected 94 million accounts—more than double the amount that TJ Maxx reported.

Consumers Speak: SBC Global DSL Supports Macs ‘Probably Never’

s kind of sad for a company that should put being technologically current above all else, if you ask me.