Researchers continue to deliver promising news for patients stricken with Alzheimer’s disease. Months after scientists found that an insulin nasal spray slowed the disease’s progression, there’s evidence that a skin cancer drug managed to reverse the disease in mice. [More]
old age

Survey: Some People Think They'll Need To Work Until Age 80
An unforgiving economy combined with plundered pensions and worries about the sustainability of Social Security have apparently sucked some air out of the dream of retiring by age 65. According to a survey, a quarter of Americans believe they’ll need to keep clocking in until 80 in order to be able to save up enough to retire. [More]

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Don't Cut Risk Of Dementia After All
The latest study of people who take large amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) indicates that, contrary to what earlier studies suggested, they don’t seem to cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. In fact, it’s just the opposite: “During the study, 476 people developed dementia, and heavy NSAID users had a 66% higher risk of developing the condition than those with low or no use.”

Nearly 25% Of Nursing Homes 'Much Below Average'
Of all the unusual gifts you can give Mom or Dad this holiday season, none would be more surprising than a simple card saying, “We’re putting you in a home.” Just make sure you don’t pick a bad one, because nearly a quarter of nursing homes were rated “much below average” in a new monthly federal evaluation.

Retirement Plans For Those Who Don't Have One
If you’re a freelancer, or work for a small company, or for some other reason don’t have a healthy start on a retirement plan, Smart Money has some suggestions for how to jump-start your investment before you hit your golden years.