Following Korean news reports of the batteries in some new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones catching fire or exploding, Samsung says it is delaying shipments of the device pending additional quality control testing. [More]
oh delay

3-Day Delay For United Flight Results In Brawl With Airport Employees
When you’ve been stuck for days simply trying to board your flight back home, it’s understandable if things get a little tense. But you don’t necessarily expect it to degrade to the point where you are involved in fisticuffs with airport employees. [More]

40 Of 100 Most-Delayed Flights Take Off Or Land In Newark
If you’re reading this story on your laptop or smartphone while waiting for a flight to or from Newark International Airport, we have some good and bad news. On one hand, there’s a decent chance your flight will be delayed. On the other, you’ll have plenty of time to file a complaint with the airline, airport and FAA. [More]

Report: Citi Knew About Credit Card Hack For Weeks Before Going Public
Last week, Citigroup announced that around 200,000 credit card accounts had been compromised by hackers, but a new report from the Wall Street Journal says the bank knew something was wrong weeks earlier. [More]

Tarmac Regulations May Be Extended To Cover International Flights
Less than a year after the Dept. of Transportation introduced controversial regulations limiting the amount of time planes making domestic flights can sit on airport tarmacs, the agency is planning to expand those rules to cover overseas carriers that use American airports. [More]

Warner Bros. Considering Longer Delay For New Releases On Netflix
Earlier this year, Warner Bros. was one of the first home video companies to make a deal with Netflix that would delay the availability of new releases by 28 days in exchange for greater access to Warner’s catalog. Now the company says it is mulling over the possibility of making that delay even longer. [More]

Tarmac Delays Down Drastically From Last Year, Cancellations Unchanged
In the second month of the recently enacted laws limiting the amount of time a plane can sit on the tarmac without taking off, the Dept. of Transportation says only three flights went over the 3-hour limit; that’s down from 268 flights for the same month in 2009. Meanwhile, the rate of canceled flights remained exactly the same as last year. [More]

U.S. Airways CEO On Tarmac Rule: "We Did This To Ourselves"
Speaking to the press earlier this week about the new FAA rule that fines airlines for every plane that stays on the tarmac for longer than three hours without returning to the gate to let the passengers off, U.S. Airways CEO Doug Parker expressed his disappointment with the regulation, but he also made it clear that the airline industry had no one to blame but itself. [More]

How Often Will The New Tarmac Delay Rule Come Into Play?
Today, the FAA’s new rule that will penalize airlines for planes stranded on the tarmac for three or more hours goes into effect. While the regulation has some up in arms, the big question is: How big of a hassle is this going to be for the airlines? [More]

U.S. Airways & Continental Get Head Start On Observing New Tarmac Delay Rules
Even though the new FAA rules regarding tarmac delays don’t kick in until April 29, both U.S. Airways and Continental say they have already begun observing the regulations. [More]