How do you quantify what the “best” deals are, on Black Friday or any other day of the year? The most important factor should be whether the retailer sells stuff that you actually want, of course, and the value that those items provide for the money. Yet the sport of deal-hunting is all about the discounts, and WalletHub decided to compile raw percentages to figure out the best places to shop after Thanksgiving this year. [More]

Office Depot Plans To Close 400 Stores By The End Of 2016
Office Depot and Staples are the country’s two largest remaining big-box office supplies chains, and earlier this year, Staples proposed to to acquire Office Depot. While the two companies wait for the Federal Trade Commission to bless the marriage or call off the engagement, Office Depot has announced plans to speed up its store closings, with a goal of shuttering 400 stores by the end of 2016. [More]

Under-Packaging Items For Shipping Just As Stupid As Over-Packaging Them
John needed a lot of blank DVDs to start a project, so he ordered some up from OfficeMax. He regrets that decision now. While his package came addressed to the correct name, the DVDs arrived smashed up after bouncing around loose in the box. John actually longs for the comical overpackaging that Amazon’s Stupid Shipping Gang is known for. [More]

OfficeMax Addresses Junk Mail To Dad Of ‘Daughter Killed In Car Crash’
No one likes junk mail. It’s annoying, we agree. We never imagined one simple piece of mail could cause a family pain and trauma, but it did last week. An Illinois man received what at first appeared to be an ordinary mailing from OfficeMax, except under his name was the line “daughter killed in car crash”. [More]

FTC Gives Marriage Of OfficeMax & Office Depot Its Blessing
We just knew these two crazy kids were going to earn the hard-won approval of the stern ol’ Federal Trade Commission. The two office supply companies who once were two now have the way paved for them to become one through the process of merging. It’s just like a fairy tale, if you read really weird fairy tales as a kid. [More]

At OfficeMax, “Clearance” Means “Mark It Up By A Penny”
Maybe OfficeMax is so preoccupied with its planned wedding to Office Depot that it isn’t paying attention to its clearance pricing schemes anymore. That’s the only way we can explain these “clearance” rices that consist of marking items up by a penny. [More]

FTC Will Probably Approve Marriage Of OfficeMax & Office Depot
When Office Depot and OfficeMax showed up, sweaty, nervous hands entwined, to talk to the Federal Trade Commission, those two crazy kids were probably worried the agency wouldn’t give its blessing for their upcoming nuptials. But it looks like this wedding is going to happen, people. [More]

How Much Did I Save If I Don’t Buy Anything?
Whenever I throw away a coupon or decide not to take advantage of a sale, I tell myself that I’m saving more money by not buying the item in the first place. That is not exactly the approach that OfficeMax took when adding up the items in Tod’s cart. [More]

“Halfway To Cyber Monday” Countdown Ushers In New Era Of Holiday Shopping Creep
First of all, don’t be fooled by that 00:00:00 countdown in the photo accompanying this post — it’s part of an email forwarded by Consumerist reader Kaleb, and presumably the ticking clock works in the offers sent to customers on the OfficeMax mailing list. But let’s not lose sight of what it really is, at its essence, which is a countdown clock to a “halfway to Cyber Monday” sale. Yes, holiday shopping creep is a thing now and we’ll all have to deal with it. [More]

Office Depot Announces It’s Buying OfficeMax For $1.2B Then Is Like, “Wait, Never Mind”
UPDATE: Despite Office Depot’s apparent squirrelliness about announcing its upcoming nuptials to OfficeMax, its intended isn’t being shy. Far from it — the company emailed all its reward cards holders today and trumpeted news of the union on its corporate site. [More]

OfficeMax & Office Depot May Finally Stop Resisting The Attraction And Settle Down
It’s tough out there for a retail store, especially if you’re a store that’s often mixed up/mashed together with another similar store anyway. So why go it alone, why not embrace your common goal of selling staples and paper? That kind of talk has led to rumors heating up that OfficeMax and Office Depot are considering finally settling down with a nice merger. You know, just because it’s good to just have somebody. [More]

OfficeMax Needs To Get Its Story Straight Before Selling Any More RAM
Daniel writes that a recent experience with OfficeMax taught him an important lesson: don’t believe a damn word of what anyone at this particular OfficeMax says. A store employee assured Daniel that he knew what type of RAM was the correct one for his Macbook Pro…and was wrong. When Daniel tried to return the RAM, a manager told him that opened RAM couldn’t be returned, but he could dispute the charge with his credit card company…but the chargeback was denied, with OfficeMax claiming that Daniel should have taken the item back to the store. [More]

Having A Picture Scanned At OfficeMax Is Like Being On A Game Show
Adam and his wife never know what they’re going to be charged for scanning services at OfficeMax’s ImPress print center. I like to imagine that the ImPress employee stands in front of them holding a very long microphone, and tries to build tension before a coworker flips over the Actual Price card. [More]

OfficeMax Won't Send Customer A Refund Gift Card That Works
When Dave bought a monitor from OfficeMax he opted for the MaxAssurance insurance plan. His bet that the monitor would break paid off, but he’s been unable to cash out because OfficeMax keeps sending him gift cards that won’t work. He writes:

Office Depot Makes Up Lame Excuse To Weasel Out Of Price Match Guarantee
Office Depot didn’t want to accept Chaz’s OfficeMax coupon for $20 off his $259 printer, so they told him that competitor’s coupons didn’t apply to technology purchases, which is an utter lie. Office Depot’s policy is to accept competitor’s coupons, subject only to the terms and conditions of the coupon, a simple concept Office Depot apparently can’t understand.

OfficeMax Calls You A Thief For Trying To Recycle
OfficeMax called Chris a thief for recycling empty printer cartridges. OfficeMax’s MaxPerks program gives customers $3 for each empty cartridge they recycle, with a limit of 5 cartridges per customer per day. Chris runs a computer repair business that leaves him flush with empty cartridges. According to one cashier, this makes Chris a thief.

OfficeMax Ships Spindle Of CD-Rs Without The Spindle
Hey OfficeMax, Bill ordered a spindle of CD-Rs, not a batch of CD-Rs carelessly dumped into a box without the spindle or any protective cushioning. Did you seriously think he wouldn’t notice or complain about the pell-mell packing job? Unsurprisingly, the CD-Rs are scratched and ruined. Bill isn’t pleased, but he’s taking the flub in stride.