While shoppers may believe that the merchandise on the shelves of their local TJMaxx, Marshalls, or other off-price store consists of castoffs from department stores, there simply isn’t enough of that kind of merchandise to keep every store filled. Instead, off-price retailers fill their racks with items that come directly from factories, and some of those factories have been linked to terrible labor practices. [More]
off-price retail

Your Great Finds From TJMaxx May Come From Underpaid Workers Right Here In The U.S.

Midwest Off-Price Retailer Gordmans May Be In Financial Trouble
So far this year, several national retailers have filed for bankruptcy and closed some, if not all, of their doors. But it’s not just mega chains like Kmart, Macy’s, and The Limited that are hurting, regional chains are also feeling the pressure. To that end: off-price department store chain Gordmans is reportedly preparing to file for bankruptcy. [More]