Ten years ago, opening a certificate of deposit required $5,000 and an hour at the bank. Today, you only need $1 and five minutes. Take advantage of that to help minimize early withdrawal penalties on CDs.

Last Chance To Request $40 Digital TV Converter Box Coupons!
Alright slowpokes, you have less than a week to finally request your digital TV converter box coupons. The Department of Commerce plans to hand out the last $40 coupons on July 31. You don’t need a converter box if you pay for TV or have a newer set, but if you’ve been wondering where your stories have been since June 12, request a coupon while they’re still available.

CD Rates May Not Be Honored in Bank Failure
If you wanted to close your certificate of deposit early, you’d pay a penalty. Unless your CD were callable, your bank can’t close it early with one exception. Fortunately, it’s an exception all banks loathe.

Citibank Sends Nigerian Scammer $27 Million
37-year-old Nigerian scammer Paul Gabriel Amos convinced Citibank officials to wire him $27 million belonging to Ethiopia. Rather than go with the usual Nigerian nom de plumes like prince or will executor, Famous Amos pretended to be an official with the National Bank of Ethiopia. Amos forged “official-looking” documents that confirmed his status with the central bank and instructed Citibank to await faxes telling them where to send the country’s cash.

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

Recalled Date Rape Drug-Filled Toy Looks Pretty Cool
This is but one of millions of magical scenes you can create with Bindeez, a popular Australian toy whose beads were found to be metabolizable into rave party drug GHB. Low doses of GHB are said to induce, “euphoria, increased enjoyment of movement and music, increased libido, increased sociability and intoxication,” the same feelings we’re getting by looking at the splendor-laden craft project!

Man Finds September 11 Security Fee Peculiar
We know we’re the last people to notice this, but while booking some airline tickets we saw a line item for a “September 11 Security Fee.”

College Officials Profited By Selling Stock In Lending Companies They Recommended To Students
The financial aid directors at Columbia University, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California profited from selling stocks in a student loan company on the “preferred lender list” at each of the universities.