Here’s an odd bit of retail-related crime.
As more states ban smoking indoors, the “smoking shelter” business is booming. [Chicago Tribune via Fark]

“Hi, you’re not going to believe this,” the caller said “but I am calling from Fort Worth, Texas, and I accidentally picked up your husband’s luggage. When I opened the luggage, a cat jumped out.” [NY Daily News]

Best Buy: $50 SIRIUS Gift Card For $55. What?
Best Buy is selling a $50 SIRIUS gift card for $55. Rather, that is the “national internet price” at—Best Buy stores may sell the $50 gift cards for $50. Any idea what is going on here? We chatted with a surly Best Buy representative who offered one explanation.

Starbucks Settles Lawsuit After Employee Spills Hot Coffee On A Baby
Ethan Thorn was an infant when his parents brought him into a Starbucks in Somerville’s Davis Square in April, 2006. According to the lawsuit, a store employee serving a cup of coffee to Ethan’s father accidentally spilled coffee on the baby’s legs and groin, causing second-degree burns. The baby was in his father’s arms at the time.

McDonald's Delivers Via New York City Subway
Reader Christopher snapped this photo of some McDonald’s employees making a delivery, via the New York City subway. Christopher is worried that the boxes contained what they say they contained—raw eggs and chicken fillet.
WeddingDepot Wants Our “Libelous” Post Removed wants our post detailing an exchange between themselves and a customer, which they call libel, removed.
WeddingDepot’s Nonresponsive, Passive Aggressive, Customer Service
UPDATE: WeddingDepot calls this post libel and requests its removal.

Welcome to The Butter Trough!
In a delicious confluence of form and function, The Butter Trough of Atlanta, GA is the world’s first fully advertising supported restaurant.

Spirit Air Endorses Jeb Bush in $20.08
If you like to leave your politics on the ground when you fly, you might be interested in this new promotion Spirit Air is running.

The Mail Bag is Laced with Anthrax
Sometimes really smart and witty people email us. Sometimes people who would be better off organizing their sticker collection do. This is one of the latter. Reading it reminds us of the season finale of Twin Peaks where they go behind the red curtain and they’re in the black and white checkered room and that guy is holding an oozing cappuccino cup and going coffeeee, coffeeeeeeeeeee…