When you’re looking at an item page on Amazon, you may see a note that says, “Want it by tomorrow? Order it within 45 minutes,” and realize that yes, you do need that printer cartridge the next day. What’s confusing for some shoppers, though, is that sometimes same-day or next-day delivery is available on the item page, then disappears when they go to check out. [More]
not ready for prime time

FCC Delays Vote On Set-Top Box Proposal
After much hullaballoo and a number of eleventh-hour political plays, the FCC has scrapped its plan to vote today on a proposal that would upend the cable set-top box marketplace. [More]

Glasses-Free 3D Fails To Wow At CES 2011
If glasses-free 3D is truly the future of TV, you wouldn’t know by the handful of companies that are showing off the technology at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. [More]

Fox No Longer Has Anything Against This Woman's Boobs
Remember yesterday, when we wrote about some major TV networks balking over whether or not to air a sexy Lane Bryant lingerie ad? Well, it looks like Fox — the arbiter of good taste in prime time — has decided to not be so prim and proper, and will actually air the commercial. [More]

What Do Fox & ABC Have Against This Woman's Boobs?
For some reason, the ad sales peeps at ABC and Fox don’t think this TV ad for some sort of new lingerie from Lane Bryant is appropriate for airing in prime time. [More]