Two days after Comcast experienced a widespread outage of its pay-TV service, the nation’s largest cable company has acknowledged that it is once again looking into complaints of no TV service for customers all over America. [More]
not comcastic

NYC Mayor Raises Concerns About Comcast/TWC Merger
While 52 other mayors from around the country were recently reminded that Comcast is an important contributor to election campaigns, Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City has been busy warning the FCC that the pending merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable is fraught with potential problems. [More]

Al Franken Asks Justice Dept. To Investigate Comcast
Minnesota senator Al Franken is doing what he can to throw a wrench into the merger between cable giant Comcast and NBC, the network he once called home during his years on Saturday Night Live. Yesterday, he asked the Justice Department to investigate whether or not Comcast violated anti-trust laws when it announced who would fill the top positions in the acquired company, even though the deal has yet to get DOJ approval. [More]