Most of the time when you find someone has used your credit card to go on a spending spree, it’s a series of gas station visits, maybe a shopping trip or two racking up some hefty charges or even a visit to the local fast food joint. But just imagine the gumption it must take for a thief to use stolen cards to splash out on a $240,000 sports car rental and a nice stay in a $12 million home. [More]
nice ride
Cops Bust Teenager For Allegedly Using Stolen Credit Cards To Rent A $240K Car And $12M Vacation Home
HOA Agrees To Pay $65K For Banning Family From Parking Ambulance In The Driveway
When a Las Vegas family bought an ambulance for their son, it wasn’t so he could go tearing around town in it, woo-wooing the siren all over the neighborhood. No, it was purchased so the family could transport their disabled son to appointments. Despite what would seem like a very valid use of the vehicle, their homeowners association banned the family from parking it in the driveway. [More]