DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket is such a massive money-maker for the satellite company that its exclusive arrangement with the NFL for this package was a make-or-break aspect of AT&T’s decision to acquire DirecTV. Yet some reports claim that DirecTV is willing to let subscribers part with this pricey package, which costs around $300 per year, if they simply say they are upset over some NFL players kneeling or locking arms during the “Star-Spangled Banner.” [More]
nfl sunday ticket

DirecTV Won’t Confirm Or Deny Reports It’s Letting Upset Customers Cancel NFL Sunday Ticket

NFL Sunday Ticket Now Available To College Students At A Discount
College students often live far from where they grew up, meaning they can’t usually watch their hometown NFL team play on Sunday afternoons. DirecTV and its new parent AT&T are hoping to reach these young football fans by offering a discounted rate for online access to NFL Sunday Ticket. [More]

Bar Sues NFL & DirecTV, Alleging NFL Sunday Ticket Is Illegal Monopoly
NFL Sunday Ticket — a pricey add-on sports package that offers live access to every out-of-market Sunday afternoon NFL game — is exclusively available through DirecTV, and will remain that way for years to come. But some bar owners allege that the satellite company’s deal with the NFL creates an illegal monopoly. [More]

NFL Sunday Ticket To Remain A DirecTV Exclusive
Millions of football fans now have a reason to not ditch DirecTV. After months of negotiations, the satellite service has finally renewed its deal to be the exclusive carrier for NFL Sunday Ticket. [More]

DirecTV Now Making It Harder For Non-Satellite Customers To Get NFL Sunday Ticket
The headline that DirecTV wants people to read is that its much-coveted exclusive NFL Sunday Ticket package is finally available as an online-only offering to non-DirecTV customers, but the satellite provider has been selling it that way for years. What’s really new about NFLSundayTicket.TV is that it’s going to cost users a lot more and fewer customers will have access to it. [More]

No, A Supreme Court Victory By Aereo Would Not Crush The NFL
The Supreme Court could issue a ruling in the dispute between the broadcast networks and startup streaming service Aereo as early as tomorrow (though it could also not come down for quite some time). And some folks are claiming that a victory by Aereo in the case would be devastating to the NFL. These people are very, very wrong. [More]
AT&T Wants To Bring NFL Sunday Ticket To Its Wireless Customers
As we mentioned a few weeks ago, DirecTV’s exclusive NFL Sunday Ticket package is so vital to the satellite service’s business that AT&T can walk away from the two companies’ pending $49 billion merger if DirecTV and the NFL are unable to renew their contract. Now AT&T is trying to convince investors that Sunday Ticket could be a boon to its wireless business. [More]

AT&T Can Walk Away From DirecTV Deal If NFL Sunday Ticket Not Renewed
Over the weekend, AT&T and DirecTV announced a huge $49 billion merger deal to make the nation’s largest satellite provider even larger and bolster the second-largest wireless provider’s efforts to compete with Verizon. But this merger could all fall to pieces if DirecTV doesn’t renew its exclusive deal with the NFL. [More]

DirecTV Misled My Parents About Free NFL Sunday Ticket, Made Them Sad
Greg recommended DirecTV to his parents, and the company also had a pretty sweet deal going on at the time for new customers. They got NFL Sunday Ticket free for their first year! That sounds like a great deal to any rational person. Unfortunately, even though multiple sources told Greg’s parents that they would get the free football, nobody mentioned that the plan they were signing up for didn’t actually qualify them for the free NFL Sunday Ticket. Minor details, certainly. [More]

DirecTV Gives New Customer Free Sunday Ticket, Takes It Away, Gives It Back
This story comes from tipster Dan, a Consumerist reader, and his co-worker Brandon, a DirecTV subscriber. Brandon saw that DirecTV was running a promotion of free NFL Sunday Ticket for new subscribers. He already had an account, but his subscription was pretty new, so he wondered whether he could get in on that. He could! Hurray! He had one glorious weekend of football, and then it was all taken away. He wasn’t eligible, DirecTV representatives explained. Brandon knew better. And Dan knew how to help him get the hours and hours of gridiron action that he deserves. [More]

DirecTV: You Can't Cancel $198 NFL Package Until Next Month
It was pretty thoughtful of DirecTV to automatically renew Pete’s $198 NFL Sunday Ticket subscription. You know, in case he forgot. He didn’t forget, actually, and he was planning to discontinue his subscription to the package. He can’t. The auto-renew stands, and he won’t be allowed to cancel the package until a month after the auto-renewal notice. You know, just in case he forgets. [More]

I Miss Sunday Ticket Football Games, Get Refund In Sony Online Store Credit
DirecTV’s Sunday Ticket To Go is a service for football fans who can’t have or don’t want a satellite dish bolted to the side of their house. It streams Sunday afternoon out-of-market football games to computers, mobile devices, and as of this week, to the Sony Playstation 3. At $340 for the season, it’s not cheap, but football fans love it anyway. The service’s Playstation debut on Sunday didn’t work all that well for most customers, and didn’t work for Edward at all. He called for a refund, which was issued, then canceled. Instead of a refund to his credit card, he and other users will receive a store credit. For $25. To the Playstation Network store. “As if that is somehow comparable!” he fumed to Consumerist. [More]

RedZone Channel, NFL Sunday Ticket Are Free Sunday
In an effort to hook viewers into ponying up for subscriptions, the powers that be have made the NFL RedZone Channel and NFL Sunday Ticket — which grant viewers godlike powers to scope out the action on Sundays — free this weekend. Sunday Ticket is available to DirecTV customers, while RedZone, usually packaged with NFL Network, is accessible via most major cable providers. [More]

Comcast Withdraws Complaint About DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket Ads
UPDATE: A DirecTV rep tells Consumerist that Comcast is “grossly misrepresenting” the situation. [More]

NFL Sunday Ticket Comes To PS3, Android Tablets
DirecTV is taking strides to open up its NFL Sunday Ticket package, which lets viewers watch games not televised in their home markets. This season, non-DirecTV subscribing PlayStation 3 owners can access the service through an app for $340. The package includes the RedZone channel, which switches through different games between plays throughout the day. [More]

Comcast Sues DirecTV Over NFL Sunday Ticket Ads
Ever since DirecTV began running an ad campaign touting that NFL Sunday Ticket is now available at “no extra charge” (huge asterisk), we’ve been hearing complaints from football fans and DirecTV subscribers alike that these ads do their best to hide the fine print of the deal. Now it seems that Comcast has taken up the cause — and taken DirecTV to court. [More]

What Does DirecTV Have Against Dallas Cowboys Fans?
If you’ve watched any pre-season football this summer, you’ve likely seen the ads DirecTV has been running for its NFL Sunday Ticket package. The spots feature fans of their local sports teams who are none-too-pleased about non-locals being able to watch their favorite out-of-market (and often rival) teams’ games. One spot features a Packers fan leaving a plate of hate for a 49ers supporter, another has the Patriot-ic residents of Foxboro, Mass., hurling snow at the newcomer Dolphins fan. But only Dallas Cowboys fans have been singled out for mockery in multiple ads — three so far. [More]