Okay, so it’s not that crazy, but you do only have to do one thing to sign up for the Consumerist newsletter, and have it arrive fresh and hot in your email inbox twice a week. [More]

She Tried This One Crazy Thing And Received The Consumerist Newsletter Twice A Week

The Best Things In Life Are Free, Including Our Weekly Newsletter
Imagine your pockets are bulging, full of cash and gold pieces like the kind Scrooge McDuck has in his vault/swimming pool. Now imagine you’ve just read Consumerist’s weekly newsletter, and enjoyed the heck out of it… and those pockets are still flush with riches. It’s a win-win. [More]

The New Bright Spot In Your Week Is Totally Going To Be The Consumerist Newsletter
When it comes to the work week, Friday pretty much has Favorite Day locked down. But according to sources inside Consumerist, that happy day could get even better with one simple step: Signing up for the weekly Consumerist newsletter, delivered fresh to your email inbox every Friday. [More]

We Found The Thing You Were Looking For — Sign Up For Consumerist’s Newsletter
Isn’t it just so funny how you always find the thing you were looking for in the last place you look? No, because you don’t keep looking after, but in this case, we are the last place and we have the thing you were searching for — sign up for Consumerist’s newsletter and cease your restless hunting. [More]

Signing Up For The Consumerist Newsletter Is Like Eating A Really Good Doughnut, But Better
You know that feeling when you eat a delicious doughnut, and it’s all sweety and doughy and you think, “Man. I am so glad I did this. This really worked out the best for all parties involved.” That’s what it’s like after you sign up for our weekly newsletter, just without the doughnut. Sorry. [More]

Today’s Exercise In Productivity: Sign Up For The Consumerist Newsletter
We know, Tuesdays can be tough. But we’re not asking you to jump through hoops or cross every last item on your to-do list. Nope. You can be productive enough just by signing up for our weekly newsletter. [More]

Let’s Be Best Consumerist Newsletter Friends And Braid Hair, Watch Movies
Here we are, standing on the cusp of true, everlasting friendship. But how can we progress to sleepovers, marathon hair-braiding sessions and a line-by-line recitation of Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead? We’re right on top of that — just sign up for our weekly Consumerist newsletter. [More]

Do You Remember The Time You Signed Up For The Consumerist Newsletter?
Reminiscing is such a delight, isn’t it? Perhaps you don’t have anything special to dwell on in your recent past, a nostalgic treat to snack upon in days to come. How about that time you subscribed to the Consumerist newsletter, which is right now? You’re welcome. [More]

Today Is The Day To Rectify The Injustice You’re Doing Yourself By Not Getting Our Newsletter
Every Friday, your email inbox is totally lacking if it’s not getting the Consumerist newsletter delivered hot ‘n’ fresh off the cyber presses. Seriously though, you should sign up for the newsletter because it makes your brain grow (statement not endorsed by anyone in the medical profession and should be taken completely as fantastical). [More]

Everyone Who’s Anyone Knows Today Is The Cool Day To Sign Up For Our Newsletter
We’re not saying life is a popularity contest, or even that we’re you know, “cool.” But if all your friends were signing up for the Consumerist newsletter, wouldn’t you want to, too? You wouldn’t want to be the only one not in the know. [More]

Cross “Subscribe To Consumerist’s Newsletter” Off Your Bucket List
Life is meant to be lived, guys. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned about living that life is that it’s much better when there’s good reading material. Here’s where the Consumerist newsletter comes in. [More]

It’s Not Too Late To Save Yourself: Subscribe To Consumerist’s Newsletter Today
The zombies/robots/aliens/other villainous beings are probably on their way right now, this very minute, to become our cruel overlords. And while signing up to receive Consumerist’s newsletter every week won’t save you from certain extinction, at least you’ll know a bit more about the world before you depart it. [More]

That Feeling Like You Forgot Something Can Be Fixed By Signing Up For Our Newsletter
Here at Consumerist we are nothing if not helpful when it comes to To Do lists. It’s so annoying to have that tickly feeling in the back of your brain like you had something you definitely, totally wanted to do, but just can’t remember it. We’ve got the answer: Signing up for our newsletter. [More]

Oh Hey — Consumerist Has An Awesome Newsletter & We Want You To Get It
Newsletters are all the rage these days, just like [insert thing that is cool that we don’t know about], did you know? And lookee here, we just happen to have one we send out to all our subscribers every week. You should probably hop on this thing, it’s a blast. [More]