What’s a week without a major company being hit with a data breach? The latest victim of cybercrime is Dow Jones & Co., which revealed today that it was attacked by hackers seeking customer contact information. [More]
news corp

Rupert Murdoch Reportedly Stepping Down As Fox CEO
One of the world’s most famous corporate leaders, Rupert Murdoch is reportedly prepping to step down from his position atop a massive global media conglomerate. [More]

Highlights From Today’s Supreme Court Hearing On Aereo
Aereo, the streaming video service that everyone’s talking about but few people actually have, defended its existence today in front of the U.S. Supreme Court while lawyers for the nation’s broadcasters and the federal government looked to smash the company’s tiny antennae into bits… legally speaking. [More]

Aereo Supreme Court Case Could Change TV & Cloud-Based Tech Forever, Regardless Of Who Wins
Many big court cases involve one side arguing to maintain the status quo while the other contends that the current situation needs revising. But tomorrow, the broadcast TV networks face off against startup streaming video service Aereo in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in a case that could have far-reaching implications no matter which side is victorious. [More]

Aereo CEO: Don’t Blame Us Because We Built A Better Antenna
Next Tuesday, lawyers for the nation’s broadcast networks and streaming video startup Aereo will square off in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in a case where a victory by either side carries with it potentially huge implications for everything from over-the-air TV to all cloud-based technology. Since he won’t be the one talking to the Supremes, AEREO CEO Chet Kanojia has been making the interview rounds to make his case to the public. [More]

CBS CEO Says Network Could Switch To Cable If It Loses Aereo Lawsuit
CBS and the other over-the-air broadcast networks are currently suing Aereo, the New York-based startup that transmits live TV over the Internet to subscribers who pay a monthly fee, but doesn’t pay anything to the broadcasters for doing so. Now, the head of CBS is saying the network might pull its signal off the air and go cable-only if it can’t stop Aereo. [More]

Report: Hulu Thinks Maybe You Shouldn't Cut Your Cable Cord Just Yet
Hulu is one of the many streaming services that have led a growing number of cable and satellite subscribers to cancel their subscriptions and get most of their TV entertainment via the Internet. But a new report claims that Hulu is now looking to appease cable companies by eventually making the service available only to those who are also paying for cable. [More]

Fox And DirecTV Kiss & Make-Up Hours Before Blackout Deadline
With only a few hours to go until a retransmission fee dispute would have left DirecTV subscribers unable to watch a number of Fox cable channels, the two sides have put away their swords and decided to work out a deal. [More]

DirecTV Accuses Fox Of Misleading TV Viewers
If you’ve watched sporting events on Fox in the last week, you’ve likely spotted an ad from News Corp. alerting DirecTV customers that “soon, in some markets, you may lose your local Fox station” as a result of the ongoing contract dispute between the broadcaster and the satellite company. But these TV spots aren’t going over well with the folks at DirecTV who have complained to the FCC that Fox is misleading customers. [More]

Just Because People Are Buying Tablets Doesn't Mean They Are Paying For News Content
With its large touch screen and comparable size to a folded up newspaper, some in the news business had hopes that the tablet computer would usher in a new era of customers willing to pay for access to news content. But a new study shows that — at least so far — it just isn’t so. [More]

Fox Business Network Anchor Takes Scissors To Bank Of America Debit Card On Air
The backlash against Bank of America’s decision to charge a $5 monthly fee to some customers who use debit cards to make purchases continues, with Fox Business Network’s Gerri Willis taking a pair of scissors to her BofA debit card in the middle of an on-air report. [More]

Wall Street Journal Changes Privacy Policy To Track Users' Browsing Data Without Consent
Because News Corp. has apparently given up any pretensions to respecting the privacy of others, it recently updated the privacy policy for the Wall Street Journal website to allow the company to connect personally identifiable information with Web browsing data without user consent. [More]

Fox TV Putting New Episodes Behind Online Paywall
Because people don’t hate Rupert Murdoch and News Corp enough right now, Fox TV has announced that the only way online users will soon be able to access new episodes of its shows is to prove that they are paying cable, Hulu Plus or satellite subscribers. [More]

The Economy Is So Bad Now That Investors See Newspapers As A Growth Industry
In the face of News Corp. announcing profits fell 70 percent for the quarter that ended March 31, chairman Rupert Murdoch is cautiously optimistically about his papers, even though his rags, which include the Wall Street Journal, New York Post and Aussie and British periodicals, have dipped 28 percent in revenue.

Worst Company In America UPSET: #63 Hallmark/Westland Meatpacking Stuns #2 News Corp!
Grab your popcorn, ladies and gentlemen! We have some eye-opening Worst Company in America news for you. Round 1 is finally over and the results are in: #63 Hallmark/Westland Meatpacking Company has upset #2 News Corp.!

Round 32: News Corp vs Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company
This is Round 32 in our Worst Company in America contest, News Corp vs Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company, marking the end of tier 1 voting (phew!). Vote which sucks more, inside…
Round 5: Halliburton vs News Corp
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