new jersey

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale, Still

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale, Still

18 days after a blogger first discovered Walmart selling shirts with Nazi insignia, the shirts can still be found on the shelves, this time in Ledgewood, NJ.

AmEx Opens Shopper Sanctuaries (Cardholders Only)

AmEx Opens Shopper Sanctuaries (Cardholders Only)

AmEx installed opened a special “member’s lounge” this week in The Mall At Short Hills, NJ, aka, the epicenter of poop.

Newark Airport Screeners Fail To Find Hidden Weapons In Federal Test

Screeners at Newark fail to find ‘weapons’ [The Star Ledger via Mere Rhetoric]

Car Dealership Bilks Old Man and Steals $2000 With His ATM Card

You might think that going after car dealers for shady dealings is just too obvious and easy for the Consumerist. So it’s not just any car dealer story that rises to the top of our hallowed frontpage.

Asterisks n’ Things

Asterisks n’ Things

Here’s a more complete copy of the questionable Linens n’ Things ad we wondered about yesterday. Click to expand.

When Is Everything, Not?

When Is Everything, Not?

NJ Townsman Fights Verizon on Net Neutrality

NJ Townsman Fights Verizon on Net Neutrality

In the town of Red Bank, NJ Verizon has applied to operate a cable TV service over their fiber optic network, but not everyone is thrilled.

The Kid From Brooklyn on The Rising Price of Sex, or “A Slow News Day”

It’s a slow news day. Prematurely celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, Ben is drunk. Meanwhile, Brownlee has discovered with a dawning sense of horror that after years of living in Ireland, he is incapable of getting drunk… the font that inks his pen, the mucus that lubricates his Muse. As the world and Boing Boing watches, we find ourselves abashed and silent.

“Stick It Up Your Ass, Starbucks”

re serving over there? Fuckin liquid gold? A fucking cup of coffee and a piece of pound cake, seven dollars? Stick it up your ass, fuckin Starbucks.”