Despite the fact that Olive Garden put 21,000 Never Ending Pasta Passes up for sale yesterday, 19,000 more than it offered last year, those passes sold out immediately. Demand remains, it seems, as there are already listings for the passes on eBay with asking prices up to $4,500. [More]
never ending pasta pass

Olive Garden Already Sold All 21,000 Unlimited Pasta Passes
You read that headline right. Even though Olive Garden is often desperate for customers, and despite the company’s boardroom brawls over breadsticks, people still have to get their hands on that unlimited Pasta Pass. [More]

Inevitable Black Market For Olive Garden’s Elusive “Never Ending Pasta Pass” Emerges
If you’re not one of the 1,000 people who managed to get your hands on a $100 “Never Ending Pasta Pass” from Olive Garden that does, in fact, only last for a seven-week promotional period, don’t worry. You can either live your life the same way as before, or you can drop deep into the underbelly of Internet commerce and pay a jacked-up price for one. [More]

Olive Garden Offering $100 “Never Ending Pasta Pass” For 7 Weeks Of Food
Nothing lasts forever, not even a $100 Never Ending Pasta Pass from Olive Garden. But that price will buy you all the pasta, salad, bread and soda you can stuff in your gullet for seven weeks from the chain eatery with its new gimmick. [More]